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Characteristics and objectives
The BEng programme is the first step of a curriculum in aerospace engineering (which would find its natural continuation in the Master course). Students can expect to acquire all the necessary knowledge on the design, management and testing of space vehicles (with the relevant subsystems for all possible civil, scientific and industrial applications) as well as of aeronautical vehicles (both with rotary and fixed wings). By the end of the course students have to acquire solid technical and scientific foundations to be applied not only to the standard fields of industrial engineering but also to the more specific fields as fluid dynamics, aerospace structures, flight dynamics and onboard system management. For the space component in particular, foundational work will be fundamental to students to learn how to interact with astronomers, planetary, material and biological scientists in order to be able to face complex phenomena. Students are expected to be intellectually flexible and ready to cope with and thrive on the pace of technological innovation.
Occupational opportunities
The course aims to provide students with the following:
a) Ability to work in the aerospace industry on a national and international scale;
b) Ability to liaise between aerospace agencies;
c) Ability to interact with public bodies and private companies in favour of aerospace-related activities.
National and international experience show that the need to provide the students with the capability to effectively operate in the aerospace world often requires more than three years. BEng graduates can expect to work in supporting roles in design, management and testing in national and international aerospace companies.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The BEng programme gives access to the MEng course in Aerospace Engineering as well as other industrial engineering MEng programmes, according to details specified in each yearly admission session.