Next Call for applications - A.Y. 2025/26:
- NON-EU students: 7 January 2025 - 7 March 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admissions for non-EU students
- EU students and NON-EU students residing in Italy: 7 March 2025 - 7 April 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admissions for EU students
This online Bachelor’s degree discloses the intriguing secrets of human mind by allowing a worldwide access to an interactive learning experience.
Basic concepts of the most important psychological domains will be provided. Core topics will include clinical and methodological aspects of Psychology, with an emphasis on measurement and often emphasizing social and intercultural perspectives. Specific activities will facilitate the interaction between the learners and the instructors/tutors.
All exams must be sat in person at the University of Padua.
For international students, short, intensive in-person sessions will be planned every year. In-person compulsory activities will be, however, limited to a minimum.
Find out more
Characteristics and objectives
The three-year international Bachelor 'Techniques and Methods in Psychological Science' uses distance learning to allow access to high quality psychological training for all those students who live in contexts that do not allow regular attendance of classes.
The course is oriented towards clinical and methodological skills. It includes basic knowledge within different areas of Psychology, including the basis of the scientific methods of investigation, and extends to the different cognitive and emotional processes and to their psychobiological bases. Applied contents will include the know-how for implementing community-based intervention projects (for example in collaboration with or for international NGOs), for intervening in an emergency and to improve the well-being and promote the health of adults and children even in cultural contexts other than the national one.
The innovative learning-at-distance program foreseen by the course includes two components of knowledge transfer and interaction. The online teaching is provided with the help of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which will be created by the teachers in charge of the different courses, on a public platform consortium with the University of Padua, as well as any web conferences. Interactive teaching is carried out mainly by using the University's Learning Management System (LMS) platform through forums, exercises, peer-review and feedback activities. All materials will be available in a unified access mode for online and interactive teaching. Every year a few-days long intensive meeting will be organized in presence to allow all the students to perform the exams.
Occupational opportunities
The most suitable working areas for the graduate will be: public or private bodies aimed at protecting psychological well-being in its many forms; companies and public and private bodies, cooperatives operating in the private sector for research, consultancy, training and organizational development activities; bodies and institutions for continuing education; organizations that deal with the management of migratory flows, inclusiveness and human rights (also in emergency contexts).
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The degree course allows access to master's degree courses enabling the profession of Psychologist according to the Law 8 November 2021, n. 163 and subsequent decrees.
The training of the three-year graduate will be aimed at acquiring solid theoretical and methodological psychological knowledge. Thanks to them, the graduate will become competent also in international contexts including situations of poor inclusion or critical issues in respect of human rights and in the promotion of health and psychological well-being. The training will therefore be oriented towards intervention both at the level of the institutions (international organizations and national services for the protection of health / human rights) and on the individual. With reference to both cases, we intend to provide, thanks to methodological courses and specific clinical and cultural applications, the accessory skills that will allow students who decide not to continue their studies after obtaining the three-year qualification to have the know-how for planning an international intervention at the institutional level and to effectively support figures of master's degree/specialists. For those students who will continue their studies, the skills already acquired will constitute a broad and solid basis on which to build specific skills in certain sectors (e.g., health protection) and contexts (e.g., specific geographical areas) ensuring the possibility of developments in other areas of psychology. The cultural and professional figure we aim to train will be characterized by high-level international skills (also with respect to knowledge of human rights and cultural specificities) which will allow to immediately apply the newly learned skills as well as to continue with studies in numerous countries.