First cycle degree in

Biomedical engineering

Class: L-8 - Information technology engineering & L-9 - Industrial engineering

y2024 WUR Subject Biological Sciences badge 150
Class L-8 - Information technology engineering & L-9 - Industrial engineering
Duration 3 years
Branch Padova
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator ALESSANDRA BERTOLDO
Access 410

An interclass degree course between information engineering and mechanical engineering, which responds to one of the most significant contemporary needs (producing technologies for health and improving people's well-being) by training experts in the development of devices and methodologies for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. You will acquire skills that come from a wide range of disciplinary sectors (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, biology, anatomy, physiology) which, combined with engineering skills (electronics, automation, mechanics, chemistry and electricity) will prepare you to deal with life sciences with a solid technical background and to operate in the technological, industrial, scientific, clinical and hospital fields. You will be able to work in the biomedical or pharmaceutical industry and in healthcare.

Applicativo; Generale

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Characteristics and objectives
Biomedical engineering uses engineering methods and technologies to understand the issues related to life sciences. Biomedical engineers are able to develop new methodologies and devices to be used in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Therefore, the degree course in Biomedical Engineering aims to provide a solid background on basic sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science) together with basic knowledge in medicine and biology (biology, biochemistry, anatomy, physiology) but also including an education in various areas of engineering (electronics, automation, mechanical, chemical, electrical) and specific knowledge about their use in the biomedical field. In line with the Ministerial Decree of 26 July 2007, the degree course meets the requirements of both the Graduate Class of Information Engineering (class L-8) and the Industrial Engineering Degree class (class L-9). Thus, the course integrates the educational objectives of the two classes, allowing to outline a track that can provide a comprehensive overview of the skills typically required of biomedical engineers. The specific graduating class (L-8 or L-9) must be chosen at the first year of the degree course, but it can be changed until the start of the third year, when the student will have acquired the necessary background for a conscious and mature choice.

Occupational opportunities
Graduates in Biomedical Engineering are versatile professionals with a broad technical background allowing them to operate at different levels, in the wide range of activities in which it is necessary to use engineering methodologies and technologies to understand, formalize and solve medical and biological issues. Possible areas of employment are: companies and industries working in the biomedical/pharmaceutical/biotechnology sectors; public and private hospitals; biomedical engineering services in sports medicine for monitoring systems for recovering injuries, mechanical bracing apparatus for weak joints; service companies for the management of biomedical equipment and biomedical implants.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The degree course also provides the starting point for a more in-depth training, even on advanced and specialized themes through further study in the master's degree in class LM-21: Bioengineering.
Some choice options are therefore provided in order to enable to personalized two different educational paths; the first with a stage period in public or private companies to mature useful experience on the practical aspects of the profession, the second targeted to further education.

Applicativo; Generale