Call for applications A.Y. 2025/26
- Non-EU students: 7 January 2025 - 7 March 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admissions for non-EU students
- EU students and NON-EU students residing in Italy: 7 March 2025 - 7 April 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admissions for EU students
How to enroll
Held entirely in English, the course offers an international scope and an unparalleled training pathway. The general care of animals and their well-being are the core of your training, with specific attention to individual animals.
The theme of the course combines animal species and specific topics to each animal. Topics include a deeper understanding of scientific research, nature conservation for both aquatic and land animals, as well recreation and education.
You can make the most of the international dimension of the course by taking advantage of the many possibilities offered by various international mobility programs or by continuing your studies with a second level degree in a foreign university. The proposed educational pathway will allow you to work on wildlife protection as well as monitoring activities linking to managing care and health interventions instructed by specialist such as veterinary doctors, biologists, and zoologists.
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Characteristics and objectives
The course is addressed to Italian and foreign students interested in animal species care and welfare at national and international level, and offers a unique educational pathway in the Mediterranean area of Europe.
The international undergraduate degree course in Animal Care mainly aims at enabling students to achieve knowledge, skills and competences for them to be qualified and specialised in animal care and welfare, in different sectors but mainly with a focus on each animal.
The qualifying element of this course is the combination of cultural aspects provided by the degree class and those related to ethology, stress and pain monitoring, bioethics and communication techniques. The learning pathway includes study plans and/or specific curriculum in the field of scientific research, wildlife conservation, in aquatic and terrestrial contexts, animals for recreational use, in order to enrich the student experience and provide an adequate and up-to-date professional positioning. In the last phase of the course, students will have access to a specific apprenticeship.
In order to foster an educational environment aimed at internationalization, consortia at European level shall be arranged to promote Erasmus Mundus study programmes. The scholarships provided by such programmes allow the attendance of the entire university course. The Erasmus plus (EU) bilateral agreements shall be established to ease student mobility when participating in apprenticeships and writing their dissertation abroad.
Occupational opportunities
The graduate in Animal Care is prepared to take care of the animal and protect its wellbeing. The work varies depending on the area considered: from the care of wildlife in a controlled environment, for educational, research and preservation purposes, rescue and rehabilitation to that of coadjutor in support of veterinarians or expert in the monitoring and care of animals intended for recreational, research, educational, sports and assistance activities. In addition, the training received will allow graduates to connect and integrate the
actions promoted by more specialized professionals (veterinarians, biologists, zoologists, etc.) who work in the field of animal care.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
This first cycle degree programme allows access to:
- any of the second cycle degree programs pertaining to LM-86 Class - Livestock management offered at Italian universities - a second cycle degree course offered by foreign universities. This option is strictly related to the opportunity to create strategic partnerships with other countries in order to improve student mobility.
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