First cycle degree in

Agricultural science and technology

Class: L-25 - Agriculture and Forestry

y2024 WUR Subject Agriculture and Forestry badge 100
Class L-25 - Agriculture and Forestry
Duration 3 years
Branch Legnaro
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator TEOFILO VAMERALI
Access 131
Reference structures Department of agronomy, food, natural resources, animals and the environment, School of agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine

This course offers the theoretical and methodological tools for working within the organisation and technical management of the agri-food chain, in the marketing of products, in the production of goods and services for agriculture and large-scale distribution. By reconciling aspects of agricultural and ethical economics, the knowledge provided relating to agricultural, vegetable (herbaceous, horticultural and fruit) and animal production will also allow you to deal with safety, quality and healthiness of production and agro-systems, with today’s ever-increasing need for waste reduction, environmental impact control and sustainability. You will also be eligible to take the qualifying examination needed to practice the professions of agronomist, junior forestry officer, graduate agricultural expert and graduate agricultural technician.

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Characteristics and objectives
The course supplies knowledge able to guarantee a complete management of activity and problems connected with vegetal and animal agricultural productions for both food and no food utilization. The course prepares professionals able to work in the field of food and environment security, safety and quality in order to increase the system sustainability. Matching economic with ethical aspects the course also gives basic knowledge to manage distribution and marketing of agricultural products.

Occupational opportunities
The graduate can work, with high qualification organizing, technical and managerial tasks at different levels of the agricultural cluster. It can also work in marketing the products and in the production of goods and services for agriculture and grocery distribution. The graduate can also work for several different public organization (Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, Consortium, Agencies) and private firms involved in agriculture and/or environment.
The graduate can apply for the exam for the 'professional order'.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The course will grant direct access to the master Course in Agricultural Science and Technology, Forest Science and Animal Science and Technology following specific indication that will be given in the specific admission notice.