This course, which favours the technological aspects of the discipline, is closely linked to the productive world. In collaboration with Confindustria Padova, the "Training for professional choices" course on admission to the labour market and a research activity in small groups, are proposed in order to provide solutions to concrete chemical problems, indicated by local companies . You will be trained to face the most current needs in the world of production, safety and prevention in working environments and quality certification and you will be able to deal with analysis and control, technical and commercial management and product development in the chemical industry, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, advanced materials and many others, or work as an industrial and environmental consultant.
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Characteristics and objectives
The Bachelor Degree in Industrial Chemistry provides the student with a solid preparation in the different fields of chemistry, with emphasis on the technological aspects. The students acquire the capability of addressing the modern requirements in the field of production, quality assurance, safety and risk prevention. Theoretical teachings are accompanied by exercises and laboratory activities. The close link with the production world is ensured by two activities organized in collaboration with Confindustria Padova: a course called 'Elements for the Choice of a Profession', in which various issues related to the job market access are addressed; a research activity carried out in small groups, within the course 'Industrial Physical Chemistry', which aims at finding solutions to real chemical problems indicated by local companies.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates will be able to work in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food, tanning and paper industry, as well as in companies developing advanced materials. They will be able to deal with analysis and control, technical-commercial management and product development. In addition, they may become industrial consultants for environment and quality assurance issues, or work in laboratories specialized in chemical, clinical and environmental analyses.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The course gives access to the Master Degree in Industrial Chemistry, as detailed in the specific admission notice.