First cycle degree in

Environment and workplace prevention techniques

Class: L/SNT4 - Health professions for preventive care

y2024 WUR Subject Medicine badge 150
Class L/SNT4 - Health professions for preventive care
Duration 3 years
Branch Feltre; Padova
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator MARIELLA CARRIERI
Access 16
Reference structures Department of cardiac, thoracic and vascular sciences, School of medicine

If you are interested in working in a multidisciplinary context which deals with improving workers’ safety within the workplace and the environment around us, this course will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to identify the causes of occupational diseases. and the methods to prevent them; it will also allow you to evaluate the hygiene and quality of food of animal and non-animal origin, beverages and cosmetic products; you will learn to carry out prevention and surveillance activities in the workplace, acting within the risk assessment processes. You may enter job market directly by performing your activity either as a freelancer or as an employee (as manager / security officer in a private facility or in the prevention, control and surveillance services in a public facility).


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Characteristics and objectives
The student will develop basic theoretical skills in order to achieve a complete understanding of disease aetiology and prevention. Next to this, the course will focus also on building skills needed in practical activities involved in occupational safety and hygiene; public health and animal health; environmental health; food safety and hygiene; quality of animal-derived food, beverage and cosmetics; assessment of work injuries and occupational diseases.
The student will get acquainted with the health-related decision-making processes by following the proceedings of technical advisory committees appointed by the health authorities.
The student is expected to successfully complete a mandatory traineeship period.

Occupational opportunities
At the end of the educational path, the graduate may: be employed in the National Health System in the field of prevention and public health surveillance; collaborate with the judicial administration for health-related and environmental investigations; work as officer of the Judicial Police acting within the scope of its competences; plan inspection and control measures and provide technical opinions concerning irregularities identified; organize and take part in scientific research and educational activities at the university level or elsewhere. He may also work either as self- employed manager or as private company employee.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The course provides for the continuation of studies with the master's degree course in Prevention Health Sciences, according to modalities that will be indicated in specific admission notice.
