With a rich history of almost eight hundred years, Padua Medical School is among the most prestigious in Italy. This course will allow you to progressively build the knowledge and skills necessary for the profession, starting from a solid biomedical base in the preclinical three-year period and then reaching the clinical-diagnostic aspects in the clinical three-year period, with internship periods starting from the first year; you will acquire a thorough knowledge of the human body, learning to identify the causes and symptoms of the diseases; you will be able to formulate hypotheses of diagnosis and therapeutic proposals using diagnostic tools and tests and you will have the opportunity to carry out translational research experiences. You will also be able to access specialist schools in the medical field and enter the labour market in public or private structures (also as a freelancer), working both independently and in teams.
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Characteristics and objectives The Master Degree in medicine and Surgery has as its main objective, to prepare future physician-surgeons for diverse clinical and biomedical disciplines, to respond to employment demand in the health care system. Toward this goal, the program offers qualified programs of study that match the unified objective of treating and caring for patients, including those with critical and complex illnesses. The course is organized in 6 years and leads to acquire 360 ECTS, of which 60 are dedicated to professional activities, according to current Italian and European legislation. The internships for the medical license account for 15 out of 60 ECTS to be achieved for the medical degree. The Degree's Program recognizes and applies the Dublin parameters and employs a teaching method that envisions the integration of the progressive levels of medical knowledge. The first 3 years of the program are aimed at building a solid foundation of knowledge of the scientific method and understanding of the basic molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms of disease. This preclinical preparation is followed by clinical training that will enable students to acquire a thorough knowledge of clinical and diagnostic topics and develop their ability to identify and resolve problems, reach decisions in an autonomous manner, interact with other professional colleagues to facilitate the resolution of complex cases, and develop the human qualities and ethical principles that distinguish the medical profession. The clinical competencies and abilities will be developed during rotations that commence with the first year of study. The Medical School program transmits to students profound knowledge of the human body. By learning the causes, incidence and distribution of diseases, students will understand their pathophysiological mechanisms and gain the capacity to evaluate signs and symptoms, master the methods to formulate a diagnosis, identify the appropriate diagnostic verification steps, critically evaluate exam results, and propose an effective treatment regimen. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of action of drugs and toxic compounds, and the therapeutic applications of drugs. They will grasp the important role of rehabilitation for patients with acute and chronic degenerative diseases. They will learn to act in accordance with professional rules, regulations and standards of responsibility. Translational research is one of the strengths of the Medical School of Padova and, during their rotations and preparation of the required thesis, students will be trained on how to design an experimental clinical study, how to collect and analyze clinic pathological data, and interpret their findings in connection with the social and human implications of the research. Occupational opportunities The occupational perspectives for the medical doctors are: • Public and private clinics • Hospitals and specialized centers • Universities and research centers • National and international health and humanitarian organizations. Medical doctors in Italy practice their profession in compliance with European Union regulations. The medical doctor is involved in any activity that is aimed at maintaining the good health status of the human, in accordance with the World Health Organization's definition of health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.' The graduate in Medicine and Surgery will be prepared to apply her/his professional expertise at the highest level compatible with the structure and organization of the institution in which she/he will be operating.
The 6-year master diploma in medicine and surgery also consists of the Italian medical license and is a prerequisite for access to the medical specialization schools.