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Ricercatore Universitario a tempo indeterminato





Curriculum vitae et studiorum of Marco Favretti

Personal data

Born in Vittorio Veneto (TV) on May 3dr 1965
citizenship : Italian
Civil status: married
Adress: Padova, via G. Comino 119.

Present status: Ricercatore universitario confermato, settore MAT 07- Fisica Matematica,
Dipartimento di Matematica tullio Levi Civita Università degli studi di Padova
via Trieste 63 35121 Padova



March 21st 1990: Degree in Physics dell'Università degli Studi di Padova mark 110/110
Thesis Title `Sui margini della teoria dei moti iper-impulsivi per sistemi lagrangiani',
supevisor prof Aldo Bressan and Giancarlo Benettin.

February 1991: enters Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica (VI ciclo) dell'Università di Padova, curriculum matehmatical Physics

Ottobre '92- September '93 visiting Laboratoire d'Analyse et Geometrie of the mathematics Department of Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris VI University (Paris) supervisorl prof. C.M. Marle -Univ. Paris VI

December 4th 1995: PhD title defending the thesis `Sui sistemi anolonomi e sulla teoria del controllo',
supervisor Prof. Aldo Bressan

April 1st 1996-- Aprile 1st 1998: Post doc grant of the Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata dell'Università di Padova

June 18 1998: Ricercatore non confermato, classe A03X Mathematical-Phisics, at the Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata dell'Università di Padova

June 2001: Conferma in ruolo di Ricercatore MAT 07 Mathematical-Physics, at the Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata dell'Università di Padova

Scientific research activity

Main research interests (in chronological order)

1) geometry and dynamics of nonholonomic mechanical systems, hyperimpulsive control for mechanical systems

2) thermodynamics of mechanical systems and dicrete models for phase transitions in pseudo-elastic solids

3) Geometry of the Maximum Entropy Principles and applications

4) problems of statistical ecology using point process theory

Reviewers for Mathematical reviews and Entropy Journal.
Honors: Aldo Gini fellowship in 1994

Teaching activity:
MF has been teaching Fisica Matematica for the degree in Mathematics, Meccanica Analitica for the degree
in Astronomy and Modelli Fisico Matematic for the degree in Mathematics and the degree in Mathematical Engineering.
MF has been supervisor for about 20 degree thesis (laura Triennale) in Mathematics, Physics, astronomy, of two Master thesis ( Laurea magistrale) and one PhD thesis



M. Favretti "Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology: A reply to Harte", Entropy (20) 2018

F. Cardin, M. Favretti, A. Lovison, L. Masci "Stochastic and geometric aspects of reduced reaction–diffusion dynamics", Ricerche di Matematica (2018)

M. Favretti "Remarks on the Maximum Entropy Principle with Application to the Maximum Entropy Theory of Ecology"
Entropy (20) 2017

Anna, Tovo and Marco, Favretti "The distance decay of similarity in tropical rainforests. A spatial point processes analytical formulation" Theoretical Population Biology 2017

Tovo, A. and Suweis, S. and Formentin, M. and Favretti, M. and Volkov, I. and Banavar, Jr and Azaele, S. and Maritan, A. "Upscaling species richness and abundances in tropical forests", Science Advances, 2017

Cardin, Franco and Favretti, Marco and Lovison, Alberto "Inertial Manifold and Large Deviations Approach to Reduced PDE Dynamics" Journal of Statistical Physics, 2017

Tovo, Anna and Formentin, Marco and Favretti, Marco and Maritan, Amos "Application of optimal data-based binning method to spatial analysis of ecological datasets" Spatial Statistics, 2016

F. Cardin and M. Favretti "Modelli Fisico-Matematici" CLEUP, 2013

Favretti, M. "The maximum entropy rate description of a thermodynamic system in a stationary non equilibrium state", Entropy Journal, 2009