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Valentine Lomellini (Ph.D in Political Systems and Institutional Change) is Associate Professor in History of International Relations.

She is Deputy-Director of the MA in "European and Global Studies" and is also the Scientific Coordinator of the Spring School IPSE - International Politics&Security, based on a network of 15 Universities (from Georgetown to Stanford).

She has been Visiting Professor at the Wien Universität and at the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - pôle «Défense et sécurité européennes» du Centre de recherche des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan (CREC Saint-Cyr), Visiting Scholar at the Université la Sorbonne, Affiliated Researcher at Centrum voor Parlementaire Geschiedenis della Radboud Universiteit, member of the European project COwaSO (Cold War and Society) led by the Institut für Zeitgeschichte (Wien Universität), and Affiliated Researcher of the European Protest Movement Network (Heidelberg Universität).

She was awarded the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic and the Simone Veil Award.

She is the author of more than 70 scientific publications on international volumes and reviews such as: “Journal of Contemporary History”, "Journal of Modern Italian Studies", "Journal of European Integration History", "Zeitgeschichte", “Studi storici”, “Ricerche di storia politica”, "Ventunesimo secolo".
She gave papers in more than 80 conferences in several Italian Universities, and in Great Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Denmark.

Among her main publications: "L’appuntamento mancato. La Sinistra italiana e il Dissenso nei regimi comunisti, 1968-1989" (Mondadori education, 2010); "Les relations dangereuses: The French communists and socialists and the human rights issue in the Eastern countries", (Peter Lang, 2012); "La ‘grande paura rossa’. L’Italia delle spie bolsceviche, 1917-1922" (FrancoAngeli, 2015), (ed.), "L'Europa della Guerra fredda e l’Italia degli anni di piombo. Una regia internazionale per il terrorismo?" (Mondadori education, 2017); (ed.), "The Rise of Bolshevism and its Impact on the Interwar International Order" (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2020).

Her latest book, "Il 'lodo Moro'. L’Italia e il terrorismo arabo-palestinese" (Laterza, 2022) was awarded by the Pozzale - Luigi Russo Award.
Press review available here:

Forthcoming: "La diplomazia del terrore (1967-1989)" (Laterza, 2023).

Further details in the enclosed CV.


If you would like to take an appointment during office hours, you are invited to write to:

Office hours

  • at Studio docente, via del Santo 28, primo piano.
    La Prof.ssa Lomellini riceve su appuntamento. Si prega di inviare una mail a: Tel. 049/8274029


See the CV.

Research Area

Security and Counter-terrorism policies from the Cold War to the present.
History of the Italian and French Foreign Policy in the XX Century.
History of Political Parties and Social Movements from the Cold War to the New International Order.
History of the Italian Political Cultures in the XX Century.

Thesis proposals

Proposals may deal with the History of International Relations, and particularly:

- Italian Foreign Policy in the XX and XXI Century;
- French Foreign Policy in the XX and XXI Century;
- Political Parties;
- Social and Political Movements;
- Domestic and International Security in the XX and XXI Century;
- Domestic and International Terrorism in the XX and XXI Century.