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Luigi Stendardo (Napoli IT, 30.04.1965), PhD in Architectural Design, is Associate Professor of Architectural and Urban Design, at the University of Padova [UniPD], Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering [DICEA], since 2011.
Dean of the Academics in Architectural and Urban Design, and Professor at the Master Degree Programme in Building Engineering/Architecture [M-Eng/Arch] at the School of Engineering at UniPD.
He leads RELOAD_Research Lab of Architecturban Design, DICEA, since 2016.
Member of the Teaching Staff and Supervisor at the PhD Programme in Civil and Science of Envinronmental Engineering and Architectural at DICEA, UniPD, since 2018 (34th cycle), and at the PhD Programme in Architecture and Construction [DRACO] at the Department of Architecture, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (28th-34th cycle).
Member of HIT_Human Inspired Technology Research Centre (since 2014) and of the Interdepartmental Research Centre of Hydrology ‘Dino Tonini’ (since 2017), at UniPD.
Professor (formerly Director, 2016-2017) at the Master in Architectural and Landscape Psychology (since 2016), at the Master in GIScience and Unmanned System for the Integrated Management of the Territory and the Natural Resources (since 2015), and at the Master in Forms of Contemporary Housing (2016-2017) at UniPD.
Member of the Scientific Board and Professor of the Advanced Courses in Engineering for Cultural Heritage (since 2006) and Engineering for Archaeology (since 2014) at the Interdepartmental Research Centre of Engineering for Cultural Heritage [CIBeC], University of Napoli ‘Federico II’.
Coordinator of the UniPD Research Team in the Red PHI (Patrimonio Histórico+Cultural Iberoamericano) Italia (since 2017).

He has been carrying on research projects in the field of architectural and urban design, working across an ever-expanding trans-disciplinary National and International network, and leading RELOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design, DICEA-UniPD.
Contemporary territorial, landscape, and urban transformations make the core of his research interests, with a focus on the relationship between urban design, public space, unacknowledged landscape and urban forms, as well as infrastructure, urban mining and circular economy.
Furthermore, he has been developing research projects about architectural composition, with a focus on disciplinary theories and techniques, and in-depth studies on the relationship between architecture and construction. His research extends into the field of the relationship between contemporary architectural and urban design and the preservation of ancient and modern built heritage.
He has led, as Principal Investigator, several research projects at DICEA-UniPD, and joined projects the at the Departments of Architecture (formerly Department of Urban Design) and Structural Mechanics (now Structures for Engineering and Architecture), at the Interdepartmental Research Centres of Engineering for Cultural Heritage and of Urban Planning ‘Alberto Calza Bini’, University of Napoli ‘Federico II’, and at the Institute for Cybernetics at the National Research Council.
On these topics, he has widely published, and has supervised PhD and M/Arch-Eng thesis, and Research Fellows. He has organized and/or joint, often as invited speaker, conferences and workshops.
He has taught in several Italian and foreign Universities, has widely lectured, and has been professor and instructor in International seminars and design workshops.


Office hours

  • Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00
    at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale - Via Marzolo, 9 - 35131 Padova - Stanza 6
    su appuntamento



For further publications, please see:

STENDARDO, L.; ANTONIADIS, S. (2017), Il dissolvimento dei limiti della città nelle aree transurbane a Padova, in Moccia, F.D.; Sepe M. (editors), Crisi e rinascita delle città / X Giornata di Studio INU, in «Urbanistica Informazioni», n 272 s.i., pp. 100-102, INU Edizioni, Roma. ISSN: 0392-5005.

LAVAGNOLO, M.C.; MALESANI, R.; STENDARDO, L. (2017), Urban mining and water recycle for abandoned transurban areas, in Sardinia_2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, CISA Publisher, Padova. ISBN: 9788862650106, ISSN: 2282-0027.

STENDARDO, L. (2017), Forme della città contemporanea, Casa Editrice Libria, Melfi. ISBN: 9788867641130.

STENDARDO, L. (2016), Oltre le linee non accreditate, in «Trasporti e Cultura», n. 46, pp.36-41. ISSN: 2280-3998.

STENDARDO, L. (2016), Trascrivere per tradire. Architetture di Luigi Cosenza, in Boschi A., Lanini L., L'architettura della villa moderna, vol. 1, Quodlibet, Macerata. ISBN: 9788874628285.

STENDARDO, L. (2016), From "in-between" to "through" space. Scenarios for today's Padova, in Jöger B.G. (editor), In between scales, “Ion Mincu” Publishing House, Bucharest. ISBN: 9786066381413.

STENDARDO, L. (2016), Il paesaggio non è tutto rose e fiori, in Zagari F., Di Carlo F. (editor), Il paesaggio come sfida. Il progetto, Casa Editrice Libria, Melfi. ISBN: 9788867640775.

STENDARDO, L. (2015), Visioni e progetto di paesaggio. Scenari di forma e materia, in Ippolito A.M., Clemente M. (editors), Necessità di agire per la costruzione del paesaggio futuro, Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN: 9788891726315.

STENDARDO, L. (2015), Self Explaining City. Merging city and art, through thick and thin, in Gambardella C., Heritage and Technology. Mind Knowledge Experience, La scuola di Pitagora s.r.l. ISBN: 9788865424162.

STENDARDO, L. (2015), L’architetto è nudo! Il mestiere dell’architetto e la collettività, in Raitano M. (editor), La formazione dell’architetto. Problemi e prospettive, ProArch, Roma. ISBN: 9788890905438.

Research Area

Luigi Stendardo has been carrying on research projects in the field of ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN, working across an ever-expanding trans-disciplinary National and International network, and leading RELOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design, DICEA-UniPD.



On these topics he had led, as Principal Investigator, or joined several research projects, such as: iWrecks - Industrial Wrecks: Reusing Enhancing aCKnowledging Sheds, POR FSE 2014-2020, 2018-2019, P.I., UniPD (Leader Unit) with IUAV and Universidade de Lisboa; DATA - Developing Abandoned Transurban Areas, POR FSE 2014-2020, 2017-2018, P.I., UniPD; Il progetto della forma del territorio contemporaneo. Infrastrutture e disegno dello spazio pubblico per la rigenerazione delle aree periurbane, PRAT 2012, P.I., UniPD, with UniNA, UniPV, UniCAM; Dalla campagna urbanizzata alla ‘città in estensione’, PRIN 2009, P.I. L. Ramazzotti, UniROMA2 (Leader Unit), UniROMA1, UniPA, UniNA; Il progetto di paesaggio per i luoghi rifiutati, PRIN 2007, P.I. A. Calcagno Maniglio, UniGE (Leader Unit) UniTN, IUAV, UniRC, UniNA; ULTRA - Urban Landscape Transformation, Regeneration and Acknowledgement, DOR 2017, P.I., UniPD; BluGG-In CITIES - Blue, Green and Grey Infrastructure across Urban Space. Scenarios for Today’s Padova, DOR 2016, P.I. UniPD; Urban landscape across infrastructures, DOR 2014, P.I., UniPD; Dispositivi architettonici per la composizione dello spazio pubblico contemporaneo. Sezioni, scavi, modellazioni, accumulazioni, DOR 2013, P.I., UniPD.

Furthermore, he has been developing research projects about ARCHITECTURAL COMPOSITION, with a focus on disciplinary THEORIES and TECHNIQUES, and in-depth studies on the RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ARCHITECTURE AND CONTRUCTION. His research extends into the field of the relationship between CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN and the PRESERVATION OF ANCIENT AND MODERN BUILT HERITAGE.

Also on these topics he has carried out trans-disciplinary studies, within several research projects, such as: Tu-CULT - Il turismo culturale non conosce crisi: strategie innovative di recupero, conservazione e accessibilità multilivello del bene artistico-architettonico per il miglioramento della fruizione intelligente POR FSE 2014-2020, 2016, P.I., UniPD (Leader Unit) with IUAV; Metodologie per l'acquisizione, l'elaborazione e la comunicazione di dati relativi ai beni culturali e per il progetto architettonico e tecnologico di interventi atti alla loro conservazione e al miglioramento della fruizione turistico-culturale, POR FSE 2007-2013, 2014, P.I., UniPD (Leader Unit) with IUAV; La teoria dell'architettura come fondamento della disciplina del progetto, PRIN 1999, P.I. A. Monestiroli, PoliMI, UniNA; The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe. Themes and remarks for future researches on architectural and landscape design, DOR 2015, P.I., UniPD; Strutture formali e elementi della composizione architettonica nel Razionalismo italiano. La ricerca sullo spazio nella Casa del Fascio di Como di Giuseppe Terragni, nella dialettica tra l’architettura della storia e Movimento Moderno, DOR 2012, P.I., UniPD.

Thesis proposals

Topics of master degree final thesis belong to professor's research area, and deal with contemporary architectural, urban, and landscape design, with a special focus on public facilities, public space, infrastructure, and aiming at the regeneration, re-use, and re-design of architecture and urban form of neglected and decayed areas.

The main design issues deal with:

- The buffer zone between historic town and sprawl
- Public facilities
- Contemporary landscape and infrastructure
- Re-cycle and re-use of disused/abandoned industrial built heritage

According to different project goals, the master dregree final thesis work will be organized in order to develop differnt trans-disciplinary interactions, such as:

- Scenarios for the transformation of urban areas
[Urban Planning - Economic Evaluation - History of City - Representation]
- Accessibility, road infrastructure and parking lots
[Urban Planning - Roads Design - Structural Design - Representation]
- Public building design
[Structural Design - Architectural Technologies - M.E.P. - Representation]
- Public space and urban landscape design
[Landscape - Urban Planning - Geotechnics - Representation]
- Re-cycle of industrial estate and housing design
[Structural Design - Architectural Technologies - History of Architecture - Representation]

For further master degree final thesis topics, please see: