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Office hours

  • Thursday from 12:00 to 14:00
    at Skype/ Zoom su appuntamento


- Tosi M. & Goisis A. (Accepted) Mental health around the transition to first birth: Does Medically Assisted Reproduction matter? Demography.
- Tosi M. & van den Broek T. (2020) Gray divorce and mental health in the United Kingdom. Social Science and Medicine, 256.
- Tosi M. (2020) Boomerang kids and parents’ well-being: adaptation, stressors, and social norms.European Sociological Review, 36(3), 460–473.
- Van den Broek T. & Tosi M. (2020) The more the merrier? The causal effect of high fertility on laterlife loneliness in Eastern Europe. Social Indicator Research, 149, 733–748.
- Tosi M. & Oncini F. (2020) ‘The fourth commandment effect’: Church attendance and intergenerational support in late parent-child relationships. European Societies, 22(1), 26-46.
- Solera C., Tomatis F. & Tosi M. (2020) Il rapporto padri e figli dopo la separazione: l’istruzione della madre conta? Rivista delle Politiche Sociali, 1, 19-38.
- Tosi M., Borgna C. & Belloni M. (2020) Quando lo studio non paga. Un’analisi sui differenziali salariali fra stranieri e italiani. Economia e Società Regionale.
- Tosi M. & Grundy E. (2019) Work-family lifecourses and later-life health in the United Kingdom. Ageing & Society. 1-27.
- Tosi M. & Albertini M. (2019) Does children’s union dissolution hurt elderly parents? Linked lives, divorce and mental health in Europe. European Journal of Population, 35 (4), 695-717.
- Tosi M. & Grundy E. (2019) Intergenerational contacts and depressive symptoms among older
parents in Eastern Europe. Ageing & Mental Health, 23(6), 686-692.
- Tosi M. & Grundy E. (2018) Returns home by children and changes in parents’ well-being in Europe. Social Science & Medicine, 200, 99-106.
- Van den Broek T., Tosi M. & Grundy E. (2019) Offspring and later-life loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung – Journal of Family Research, 31(2), 199-
- Albertini M. & Tosi M. (2018) Grand-parenting after parental divorce. The association between nonresident parent-child meetings and grand-parenting in Italy. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 277–286.
- Tosi M. (2018) Marital break-up and intergenerational contact in Italy, Polis, 3(2), 135-162.
- Albertini M., Tosi M. & Kohli M. (2017) Parents’ housing careers and support for adult children across Europe. Housing Studies, 33, 160-177.
- Tosi M. (2017) Age norms, parent-child relationships and home-leaving in Italy. Demographic
Research, 28(9), 281-306.
- Tosi M. (2017) [Book Review] Handbook of the life course: Vol II. Contemporary sociology: A
journal of reviews, 46(4), 475–477.
- Tosi M. & Gähler M. (2016) Nest-leaving, childhood family climate and later parent-child contact in Sweden. Acta Sociologica, 59(3), 249–268.
- Tosi M. (2016) Leaving-home transition and later parent-child relationships: proximity and contact in Italy. European Societies, 19(1), 69–90.
- Assirelli G. e Tosi M. (2013) Education and family ties in Italy, France and Sweden. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(7), 379–387.
- Barbieri P., Cutuli G. & Tosi M. (2012) Famiglie, mercato del lavoro e rischi sociali. Nascita di un figlio e rischi di transizione alla povertà tra le famiglie italiane. Stato e Mercato, 3, 391–428.

Research Area

Family Sociology; Social Demography; Intergenerational relations; Ageing