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Professoressa Ordinaria





From 2022 to present - Full Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua
From 2014 to 2022 - Associate Professor of Economics and Business Organization at the University of Padua, Department of Industrial Engineering
From 2012 to present - Member of the Departmental Research Commission, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padua.
From 2012 to 2013 - Member of the Accreditation and Evaluation Group of the Degree Course in Mechanical Engineering, University of Padua.
From 2012 to present - Research fellow at Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester UK
From 2011 to present - Member of the PhD Board of the Doctoral School of Management Engineering and Valuation, University of Padua.
From 2010 to 2014 - Researcher at the University of Padua.
From 2008 to today - Research Fellow, at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK).
From 2003 to 2004 - Visiting researcher at the Centre for Strategic Manufacturing, Department of Design Manufacture and Engineering Management, Strathclyde University.
2005 - PhD in Management Engineering
2005-2007 - Contract Professor of Economics and Business Organization I, Faculty of Engineering, University of Padua.
From 2002 to 2004 - PhD in Management Engineering.
From 1998 to 2000 – Local Professor of Economics and Business Organization, partially delivered via distance learning, Faculty of Engineering, University of Padua
From 1998 to 2001 - Consultant, researcher and teacher at the CUOA Foundation (Altavilla Vicentina, VI).


Office hours

  • at Via Venezia 1 Primo Piano
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Nudurupati S., Tebboune S., Garengo P., Daley R., Hardman J. (2022). “Performance measurement in data intensive organizations: resources and capabilities for decision-making process”, Production Planning and Control (in press) DOI:10.1080/09537287.2022.2084468
Garengo P and Betto F. (2022). “The role of organisational culture and leadership style in Performance Measurement and Management: a longitudinal case study”, Production Planning and Control (in press) DOI:10.1080/09537287.2022.2058431
Jwijati I, Bititci U. S., Caldwell N., Garengo P., Wang D. (2022). Impact of National Culture on Performance Measurement Systems in Manufacturing Firms Production Planning and Control (in press) DOI:10.1080/09537287.2022.2026674
Nudurupati, S.S., Garengo, P., Bititci, U.S. (2022). “Impact of the changing business environment on performance measurement and management practices”, International Journal of Production Economics, 107942; DOI:10.1080/09537287.2022.2084468
Betto F., Garengo P., Lorenzoni A., (2020). ”A new measure of Italian hidden energy poverty”, Energy policy Vol. 138, No. 111237, DOI:10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111237
Panizzolo R., Garengo P., Sharma M.K., Gore A. (2012), “Lean Manufacturing in Developing Countries: evidence from Indian SMEs”, Production Planning & Control, Vol. 23, No. 1011 pp. 769-788
Bititci U.S., Garengo P., Ates A., Nudurupati S. (2015). “Value of maturity models in performance measurement”, International Journal of Production Research, 53(10), pp. 3062-3085; DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.970709
Taticchi P., Garengo P., Nudurupati S., Tonelli F., Pasqualino R., (2015) “A Review of Decision-Support Tools and Performance Measurement for Sustainable Supply Chain Management", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 53, No. 21, pp. 6473-6494 DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2014.939239
Garengo P., Sharma M. (2014), “Performance measurement system contingency factors: a cross analysis of Italian and Indian SMEs”, Production Planning and Control, Vol. 25 No. 3, pp. 220-240 DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2012.663104
Bititci U., Firat S, Garengo P. (2013), “How to compare performances of firms operating in different sectors?”, Production Planning and Control Vol. 24 No. 12, pp. 1032-1049; DOI:10.1080/09537287.2011.643829
Garengo P., Panizzolo R. (2013), Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs, Production Planning and Control Vol. 24, No. 2-3 pp. 158-171; DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2011.647870
Bititci U., Garengo P., Dorfler V., Nudurupati S. (2012), “Performance Measurement: Where Next?”, International Journal of Management Reviews, Vol. 14, pp. 305327; DOI:10.1111/j.1468-2370.2011.00318.x
Bititci U., Ackermann F., Ates A., Davies J. D., Garengo P., et al. (2011), “Managerial Processes: Business Process that Sustain Performance”, International Journal of Operation and Production Management, Vol. 31, No. 8, pp. 851-887; DOI:10.1108/01443571111153076
Garengo P., Bititci U. (2007), "Towards a contingency approach to Performance Measurement: an empirical study in Scottish SMEs", International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 802-825; DOI 10.1108/01443570710763787
Garengo P., Nudurupati S., Bititci U. (2007), "Understanding the relationship between PMS and MIS in SMEs: an organizational life cycle perspective", Computers in Industry, Vol. 58, No. 7 pp. 677-686; DOI:10.1016/j.compind.2007.05.006
Bititci U., Mendibil K., Nudurupati S., Garengo P., Turner T., (20

Research Area

For over 20 years he has been carrying out research on performance measurement and management practice for promoting the organizational development of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Recently he has been interested in technology transfer aimed at promoting collaboration between companies and research centers and organizational management changes determined by Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0.