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Professore Associato





1. Educational and professional experience
I became interested in the study of flora and vegetation by participating in several botanical excursions and collaborating with consulting firms when I was a student. On June 18, 2001 I graduated with honours in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, defending a thesis on the application of a regional forest typology to two forest management plans in the central Alps. From 2001 to 2007 I have been a practitioner, gaining experience in the field of planning of protected areas and forests, in environmental impact assessment and in the implementation of models for assessing the value of natural resources. My main clients were protected areas and territorial administrations. I have been enrolled in the register of agronomists and foresters since 2003. On March 22, 2005 I obtained the title of PhD by defending a thesis on the determinants of the effectiveness of ecological networks in the dispersal of plants. From October 2007 to July 2018 I have been assistant professor in the University of Padova. Since then, I have been associate professor.

2. Scientific activity
Since 1 October 2007 I have been coordinator of 20 research projects, focused on temperate ecosystems of central and southern Europe. I try to transfer the research results to local authorities, maintaining frequent collaborations with them: 85% of the researches I was principal investigator (1.5 million euros) were funded by bodies outside the university. Research fellows, postdocs, PhD students and undergraduates collaborate to these researches. I have been coordinator of national and international research and education projects, such as CARIPLO, LIFE, COST, Erasmus + actions.

3. Teaching activity
Since 2004 I have been teaching 1472 hours of curricular teaching, of which 660 in English, in university courses taught at the Universities of Padua, Milan and Bolzano, in degree and master courses, in applied ecology, environmental assessments, forestry and forest and land planning. I have held courses and seminars at the University of Northampton (UK), the Berlin Polytechnic and the Makerere University (Uganda). In Uganda I directed a class of a summer school on ecotourism. I have held professional training courses for several institutions including: Agricultural Ministry, Veneto Region, LegaAmbiente, Stelvio National Park, professional associations, research centres and schools of the University of Padua. I was, for the first time, commissioner in the graduation session of 18 March 2003, as co-supervisor. Since then, I have held the role of supervisor of 121 degree theses on the same topics of my teaching.

4. Management activity
I am a member of departmental commissions for research and the third mission. I periodically held the role of delegate of the Department at scientific associations and ministerial commissions. Since 2008 I have been a member of the teaching staff of the PhD School in Land, Environment, Resources and Health and I have been a final exam commissioner for several other doctoral courses. I am a member of scientific committees of local authorities.