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Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. B L. 240/2010





NORMAS DE CONDUCTA FOR EMAIL MESSAGES: It is good practice to sign e-mail messages with first name, last name and student number, to head them appropriately, as well as to include a descriptive object that allows for quick identification of the content (e.g. 'Thesis, Ch. 1', 'Exam info request', 'Erasmus validation' etc.). Please consult this page, Moodle classrooms, course syllabuses and departmental web pages carefully before soliciting via email information which can be found elsewhere. It is not necessary to ask via mail for prior permission to show up for office hours (which, unless exceptional circumstances occur, is held until all people have been received); however, it is advisable to consult the faculty page to verify that the Department is open (any variations are always promptly communicated in this section). Since I am neither a bot nor an auto-responder, I will not reply to email messages that are devoid of text and consist only of attachments to be signed/corrected.

FOR PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (mobility, 3 CFUs, ...): Any urgent request should be communicated in advance and properly justified in order to allow proper processing time. All documents are signed in print and during office hours.

NOTES ON THE EXAMS: ATTENGING students are, of course, allowed, for their exam, to maintain the syllabus of the course they have taken, regardless of the relevant AA (i.e., they will not have to substitute it with the current or latest available syllabus); NON-ATTENDING students, on the other hand, should follow the most recent syllabus for the exam session they are presenting to, unless otherwise agreed upon with me (in any case, a conversation with the lecturer is recommended before studying for the exam). EXTRAORDINARY APPELLI (november and may) are generally intended for students who are about to defend their thesis or and fuoricorso, unless otherwise agreed, and are promptly uploaded to Uniweb. Please note that, on the day of the exam, only students who show up will be considered participants: except for exceptional and duly justified cases, attendance cannot be confirmed be possible via email or other students.
*Instructions for taking a good exam*
1- Answer, 'correcta y sinceramente', the question 'attending or non attending?': it is formulated in order to be able to calibrate the exam questions to the student's actual preparation;
2- In each of the two cases, to have read the exam texts in their entirety (in Italian or Spanish), unless otherwise specified by the professor: the integral reading OF ALL TEXTS is a prerequisite for passing the test: not meeting it equals failing the exam;
3- Those who did not attend lectures and studied on borrowed and/or purchased notes are NOT considered to be attending. Fraudulent declarations in this regard are very easy to detect and result in a failed exam (it is NOT possible to start the exam as an afttending and finish it as a non-attending student, given the different preparations involved).

Office hours

  • Friday from 15:30 to 17:00
    at Complesso Beato Pellegrino, studio/room 134, edificio/building C3.
    SOLO SU PRENOTAZIONE, ricevimento ESCLUSIVAMENTE per Commissione Equità e Diversità ( UPON REQUEST ONLY, office hours for the Equity and Diversity Board

  • Friday from 15:45 to 19:00
    at Complesso Beato Pellegrino, studio 134, edificio C3. Su Zoom solo in casi eccezionali e previo accordo.
    AVVISO: Dalla settimana del 18/03, il ricevimento torna permanentemente di venerdì, dalle 16.30. NON è necessario prenotarsi né chiedere via mail l'autorizzazione a presentarsi a ricevimento.


See my Iris ( and (

Research Area

- contemporary and ultra-contemporary Spanish literature
- trauma studies, memory studies, post-memory studies from a pan-Hispanic perspective
- contamination between literature and the politics of memory
- literary representation of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism
- subaltern writing in or relating to 20th century Spain

Thesis proposals

My lines of research are:

- ultracontemporary Spanish fiction (s. XIX): novel, short story, novela gráfica
- literature on and of the Spanish Civil War/Francoism; presence and persistence of historical trauma in current fiction
- Intersections between fiction, sociology and politology (memory studies, postmemory studies, trauma studies)

The thematic macro-area of my specialization includes Spanish fiction, theater, and poetry of the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries: all proposal inherent to this span will be welcome to be discussed. Please be advised that I will NOT accept to direct theses which are not inherent to the eras or disciplinary fields I specialize in (e.g. translation, Siglo de oro, Hispano-American literatures, ...). I will NOT supervise language and linguistics theses.

I advise those who were considering me as a possible thesis advisor to read in advance the thesis handbook, which contains useful directions for those who plan to work with me. The document can be downloaded or viewed here:

FOR THEISTS: Materials should be delivered at least three WORKING days in advance of office hours to allow me adequate time for correction. I do NOT correct anything via email: corrections, once files are turned in, are discussed during office hours.