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Currently a “Professore a contratto” at the universities of Padua and Bologna, he holds the Italian National Scientific Qualification, at the rank of Associate Professor, for two discipline areas: General Italian Literature, and Italian Linguistics and Philology. His primary specialization is in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature and Culture, in a transnational perspective. He also has research interests, publications, and teaching experience in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema, as well as Italian Linguistics.

After his “Laurea in Lettere Moderne” (Honors Thesis) at the University of Padua (advisor Manlio Pastore Stocchi), he earned a “Dottorato di ricerca in Italianistica e Filologia Classico-Medievale” (Italian Ph.D) at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice (advisor Gino Belloni), and a Ph.D. in Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia).

Academic Career
From 2007 to 2013 he has been Teaching Assistant, Instructor, and Visiting Lecturer (Italian Language, Literature, and Culture; Cinema and Television Studies; French) at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). From 2013 to 2023 he has been Faculty Lecturer, Assistant Teaching Professor and Associate Teaching Professor of Italian at the Pennsylvania State University. He is currently “Professore a contratto” (Adjunct Professor) at the University of Padua (Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata, and Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari), and at the University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Beni Culturali.

Teaching Experience
From 2008 to 2023 he taught literature, culture, and cinema courses, as well as language classes at all levels at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) and at the Pennsylvania State University. Currently, he teaches “Linguistica e Letteratura italiana” (Italian Linguistics and Literature) and “Italian Literature in the Middle Ages” at the University of Padua, as well as “Italian Language” at the University of Bologna (second cycle degree / two year master: “I-Contact – International Cooperation on Human Rights and Intercultural Heritage”).

Research Activity
He is the author of the book Pedagogia e corte nel Rinascimento italiano ed europeo (Pedagogy and Courtly Life in the Italian and European Renaissance, Marsilio, 2016), and he edited the facsimile edition of the commentary upon Petrarch’s Canzoniere published in 1476 by the Italian humanist Francesco Filelfo (Ente Nazionale Francesco Petrarca / Antilia, 2018). Several articles appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as Studi petrarcheschi, Lettere italiane, and Petrarchesca. He presented the results of his research in numerous national and international conferences (United States, Canada, Europe, Italy). In 2021, he has been an invited speaker for the prestigious Lectura Petrarce, organized annually (since 1981) by the Accademia Galileiana di Scienze Lettere ed Arti in Padua.

Awards and Fellowships
2016 – Teaching Excellence Award (The Pennsylvania State University)
2007-2011 – Ben Franklin Fellowship (University of Pennsylvania)

Other Activities
Journalist: January 2002-present; “giornalista pubblicista” since February 2006


Office hours

  • Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30
    at Palazzo EX-ECA, via Obizzi 21/23, Sala Professori (al primo piano)
    Il ricevimento si terrà il giovedì dalle 9:30 alle 11:30. Si prega di contattare sempre il docente via email per fissare un appuntamento.



1) Francesco Filelfo, Commento a Rerum vulgarium fragmenta 1-136. Edizione anastatica dell’incunabolo Bologna, Annibale Malpigli, 1476, con introduzione e indici di Michele Rossi, Ente Nazionale Francesco Petrarca, Collana Commenti antichi dei Rerum vulgarium fragmenta e dei Triumphi, Treviso, Antilia, 2018. Facsimile edition of Filelfo’s commentary upon Petrarch’s Canzoniere, for which I wrote an introductory essay, prepared the indices of names and classical sources, and provided an extensive bibliography (pp. 1-149).

2) Pedagogia e corte nel Rinascimento italiano ed europeo, prefazione di Fabio Finotti, Venezia, Marsilio, 2016.

Refereed Journal Articles

3) “«Malenconico, extenuato e pallido»: divagazioni su Filelfo, Petrarca e la malinconia.” Petrarchesca, X (2022): 49-79.

4) “«Mal pratico poeta»: il Petrarca di Filelfo.” Atti e memorie dell’Accademia Galileiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, vol. CXXXII (2020-2021), part III: 135-161.

5) “Ipotesi per il ms. Correr 1494.” Studi petrarcheschi, XXXI (2018 but 2020): 1-42.

6) “Sbagliare, correggere, emendare: errori umanistici tra pedagogia, filologia ed etica.” Lettere Italiane, LXX, 1 (2018): 38-53.

7) “«Lontano dietro le nuvole»: musica americana e Resistenza in Una questione privata di Beppe Fenoglio.” Lettere Italiane, LXVII, 1 (2015): 96-117.

8) “Il ms. 4 della Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Padova.” Studi petrarcheschi, XXIII (2010 but 2012): 101-159.

9) “«Nel laberinto intrai»: a proposito di una recente edizione del Canzoniere petrarchesco.” Lettere Italiane, LXII, 2 (2010): 276-306.

10) “Metamorfosi settecentesche di Eros.” Atti dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Tomo CLX (2001-2002): 343-421.

Conference Proceedings

11) “«Non volli seguire la oppinione d’ignoranti»: Francesco Filelfo e l’esegesi petrarchesca alla corte milanese,” in L’esegesi petrarchesca e la formazione di comunità culturali, Berlin, 2022: 19-36.

12) “Il copista come filologo: il caso del manoscritto 4 della Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile di Padova,” in Questioni filologiche: la critica testuale attraverso i secoli, Franco Cesati Editore, Firenze, 2016: 113-125.

13) “Teorema, o della duplicità,” in Shaping an Identity: Adapting, Rewriting and Remaking Italian Literature, Legas, Ottawa CA, 2012: 75-90.

Book Reviews

14) Palma, Pina. Savoring Power, Consuming the Times: The Metaphors of Food in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, 2013 (in Modern Language Review, 110.1, January 2015: 268-269).

15) Petrarch. A Critical Guide to the Complete Works, edited by V. Kirkham e A. Maggi, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2009 (in Lettere Italiane, LXII, 4 [2010]: 647-656).

16) Rerum vulgarium fragmenta. Codice Vat. lat. 3195. Commentario all’edizione in fac-simile. Roma-Padova: Antenore, 2004 (in Studi petrarcheschi, n.s., XIX [2006]: 282-292).

Research Area

Medieval and Renaissance Italian Literature: Petrarch, humanist pedagogy, humanist and Renaissance Petrarchan exegesis

Philology: manuscript tradition of Petrarch’s Canzoniere; Petrarchan commentaries

Linguistics: Italian as a second language; inclusive linguistic education; emergent literacy and formal literacy

Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature: intersections among literature, mythology, art, music, dance, and cinema (Settecento reinterpretations of Eros/Cupid; Fenoglio and American popular music; Pasolini’s Teorema: adaptation and intermediality)