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Professore Ordinario






From 01/08/18 Full Professor and Chief of Radiology Department – University of Padua (Italy)

From 01/10/16 to 01/08/18 Honorary Consultant in Radiology – Senior Research Fellow – University of Edinburgh (UK)

From 01/10/2014 – august 2016 Associate Professor of Radiology – Consultant in Radiology - University of Trieste (Italy)

From 1/11/99 to 30/09/14 Assistant Professor of Radiology - Consultant in Radiology - University of Trieste (Italy)


1.University of Udine (Italy) MD 1995 Cum Laude.
Thesis: Monitoring of plasma levels of L-Dopa in patients with Parkinson’s disease.
Medical Board Registration: November 1995

2. University of Trieste (Italy): Residency Training – Consultant Radiologist
Thesis: Radiologic-Pathologic correlation of cystic renal tumours.

3. Master in Management and Direction of Healh Organizations, University of Trento (Italy), January 2010 – January 2011

4. Master in Statistical methods applied to clinical questions, University of Modena (Italy), June 2015 – June 2016

5. Personal Licence and Project Licence from Scottish Accreditation Board (SAB) for experimental work with small animals (rats and mice)

6. Senior Clinical Research Fellow / Honorary Consultant in Radiology (036170) – University of Edinburgh
GMC reference number: 4671710 Full registration in APS with a licence to practice
NRS Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Course – 15th November 2016 (RCPS Code: 102385)

6. Present Position: Full Professor of Radiology, University of Padova (Italy)
Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh (UK)


Office hours

  • Monday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at Istituto di Radiologia Universita' di Padova
    Previo appuntamento concordato con il docente

  • Friday from 14:30 to 16:00
    at Istituto di Radiologia Policlinico



Quaia E (ed) Radiological imaging of the kidney. Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-New York, 2011 - ISBN-10: 3540875964 | ISBN-13: 978354087

Quaia E (ed) Imaging of the Liver and Intrahepatic Biliary tract from Heidelberg-New York: Springer Verlag, Heidelberg-New Yor

Quaia E, Sozzi M, Gennari AG, Pontello M, Angileri R, Cova MA.
Impact of gadolinium-based contrast agent in the assessment of Crohn's disease activity: Is contrast agent injection necessary?
J Magn Reson Imaging. 2016 Mar;43(3):688 - 697.

Quaia E, Angileri R, Arban F, Gennari AG, Cova MA.
Predictors of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma in cirrhotic patients scanned by gadobenate dimeglumine-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging: diagnostic accuracy and confidence.
Clin Imaging. 2015 Nov-Dec;39(6):1032-1038.

Quaia E, Gennari AG, Angileri R, Cova MA.
Bolus versus continuous infusion of microbubble contrast agent for liver ultrasound by using an automatic power injector in humans: A pilot study.
J Clin Ultrasound 2016 Mar 4;44(3):136 - 142.

Quaia E, Sozzi M, Angileri R, Gennari A, Cova MA.
Time-intensity curves obtained after microbubble injection can differentiate responders from non-responders among patients with clinically active Crohn’s disease after six weeks of pharmacologic treatment. Radiology 2016; 281(2): 606-616.

Quaia E, Gennari AG, Ricciardi MC, Ulcigrai V, Angileri R, Cova MA.
The value of percent change in tumoral volume measured at T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to identify responders after neoadjuvant chemo-radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer.
J Magn Reson Imaging 2016; 44 (6): 1415 – 1424

D’Onofrio M, Romanini L, Serra C, Magnolfi F, Bertolotto M, Quaia E, Puntel G, Colleoni A, Fiorini E, Cenci C, Santi E, Ciaravino V, Laffranchi F, Catalano O, Cantisani V, Calliada F, Derchi L.
Contrast enhancement ultrasound application in focal liver lesions characterization: a retrospective study about guidelines application (SOCEUS–CEUS survey).
J Ultrasound 2016; 19: 99–106.

Quaia E, Gennari A, van Beek EJR. Differentiation of Inflammatory from Fibrotic Ileal Strictures Among Patients with Crohn’s Disease through Analysis of Time-intensity Curves Obtained after Microbubble Contrast Agent Injection.
Ultrasound Med Biol. 2017; 43 (6): 1171-1178.

Quaia E, Gennari AG, Cova MA, van Beek EJR. Differentiation of Inflammatory From Fibrotic Ileal Strictures among Patients with Crohn's Disease Based on Visual Analysis: Feasibility Study Combining Conventional B-Mode Ultrasound, Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound and Strain Elastography.
Ultrasound Med Biol 2018; 44: 762-770.

Quaia E, Gennari AG. The most appropriate time delay after microbubble contrast agent intravenous injection to maximize liver metastasis conspicuity on contrast-enhanced ultrasound.
J Med Ultrasound 2018;26:128 - 133

Quaia E, Correas JM, Mehta M, Murchison JT, Gennari AG, van Beek EJR. Gray scale Ultrasound, color Doppler Ultrasound and Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound in Renal Parenchymal Diseases.
Ultrasound Q 2018; 34 (4): 250 – 267

Quaia E, Gennari A, Cova MA, van Beek EJR. Early predictors of long-term response to therapy in patients Crohn’s disease derived from time-intensity curve analysis after microbubble contrast agent injection. J Ultrasound Med 2019; 38: 947–958

Quaia E. State of the Art Review on LIRADS for Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound. Radiology 2019; 293:4–14

Research Area

Chest imaging

Cardiovascular imaging

Liver imaging

Contrast enhanced ultrasound in different organs

Thesis proposals

Assessment of global effective dose in ICU patients

Advantages of AI - Deep Learning in CT image reconstruction in COVID patients