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049 827 6290

Personal Information: Born in Lucca on 25/10/1985, Nationality: Italian, Email:

Main research topics: Molecular Anthropology, Human population genomics, Ancient DNA, Computational genomics, Natural selection, Human Biodemography, Parallel computation.

Main active co-authors and collaborators: Dr. Mait Metspalu, Director of Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, GB; Dr. Toomas Kivisild, University of Cambridge, GB; Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, GB; Dr. Mark Thomas, UCL, GB; Dr. Eske Willerslev, Director of GeoGenomics Centre, Denmark; Dr. Sergio Tofanelli, University of Pisa, Italy; Prof. Donata Luiselli, University of Bologna, Italy; Dr. Rasmus Nielsen, UC Berkeley, US

Current teaching and thesis supervision: Antropologia (Titolare: 6 CFU) within the MSci Degree in Scienze della Natura (UniPd); Currently supervising two MSci students (at UniPd), four PhD Students (at University of Tartu, Estonia) and one Postdoctoral Researcher (at University of Tartu, Estonia).

Research Experience and Academic Education:
-RTD-b (March 2017-current position): Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo b in Antropologia (BIO/08) at Department of Biology, University of Padova
-Senior Research Fellow (July 2016-February 2017): Senior Research Fellow at Estonian Biocentre, University of Tartu, Estonia
-Researcher (March 2014-June 2016): Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Cambridge, UK Supervisor: Dr. Toomas Kivisild.
-Researcher (January 2013- February 2014): Postdoctoral Fellow at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK. Supervisor: Dr. Chris Tyler-Smith
-PhD (2010-2013 in Biological Anthropology; Dissertation title: Through the layers of the Ethiopian genome: a survey of human genetic variation based on genome-wide genotyping and re-sequencing data) at University of Cambridge, UK (Supervisor: Dr. Toomas Kivisild).
-Degrees (2004-2009): Diploma di Licenza (5 years) in Scienze Biologiche at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (Mark: 70/70 cum laude) and Ba+MSci Degree in Molecular Biology at University of Pisa (Marks: 110/110 cum Laude for both degrees).

Scientific output: 47 publications, h-index: 17, total citations: 877.

Currently funded projects: Mobilitas Pluss Top Researcher grant on Estonian Human Genomic Diversity. Role: Principal Investigator (2017-2021, 680.000 EUR)

International awards: Estonian National Prize for Science (2017, 20.000 Euro); ASHG/Charles J. Epstein Trainee Award for Excellence in Human Genetics Research – Semifinalist (2013, $750); ASHG Cotterman Award for best Research Paper published by a junior researcher on AJHG in 2012 (2012, 1000$)


Office hours

  • Sono disponibile per ricevimenti qualsiasi giorno nel mio studio (Terzo Piano Sud, Stanza 5, Polo Vallisneri), preferibilmente dal martedí al giovedí, previo appuntamento via email. / I am available at any time in my office (3rd Floor South, Room 5, Vallisneri Building), preferably between Tuesday and Thursday. Please drop me an email to arrange a meeting.


ORCID: 0000-0002-6639-524X
Scopus Author ID: 49862154800
ResearcherID: G-8511-2017

Selected publications:
1. Jagoda E, Lawson DJ, Wall JD, Lambert D, Muller C, Westaway M, Leavesley M, Capellini TD, Lahr MM, Gerbault P, Thomas MG, Migliano AB, Willerslev E, Metspalu M, Pagani L. (2017) Disentangling Adaptive Introgression from Selection on Standing Introgressed Variation in Humans. Molecular Biology and Evolution (Advance online access; doi/10.1093/molbev/msx314) (senior author)
2. Bortolini E, Pagani L*, Crema ER, Sarno S, Barbieri C, Boattini A, Sazzini M, Da Silva SG, Martini G, Metspalu M, Pettener D, Luiselli D, Tehrani JJ. (2016) Inferring patterns of folktale diffusion using genomic data Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (*joint first author)
3. Pagani, L., Lawson, DJ, Jagoda E, Mörseburg A, Eriksson A, Mitt M, Clemente F, Hudjashov G, DeGiorgio, M, Saag L. (2016) Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Nature 538(7624):238-242
4. Pagani L; Schiffels S, Gurdasani D, Danecek Petr, Scally A, Chen Y, Xue Y, Haber M, Ekong R, Oljira T. (2015) Tracing the route of modern humans out of Africa by using 225 human genome sequences from Ethiopians and Egyptians. The American Journal of Human Genetics 96(6):986-991
5. Gurdasani D, Carstensen T, Tekola-Ayele F, Pagani L*, Tachmazidou I, Hatzikotoulas K, Karthikeyan S, Iles L, Pollard MO, Choudhury A. (2015) The African genome variation project shapes medical genetics in Africa. Nature 517(7534):327-332 (*joint first author)
6. Xue Y, Prado-Martinez J, Sudmant P, Narasimhan V, Ayub Q, Szpak M, Frandsen P, Chen Y, Yngvadottir B, Cooper DN, Pagani L et al. (2015) Mountain gorilla genomes reveal the impact of long-term population decline and inbreeding. Science 348(6231):242-245
7. Huerta-Sánchez E, DeGiorgio M, Pagani L*, Tarekegn A, Ekong R, Antao T, Cardona A, Montgomery HE, Cavalleri GL, Robbins PA. (2013) Genetic signatures reveal high-altitude adaptation in a set of Ethiopian populations. Molecular biology and evolution 30(8):1877-1888 (*joint first author)
8. Raj SM, Pagani L*, Romero IG, Kivisild T, Amos W. (2013) A general linear model-based approach for inferring selection to climate. BMC Genetics 14:87 (*joint first author)
9. Pagani L, Ayub Q, MacArthur DG, Xue Y, Baillie JK, Chen Y, Kozarewa I, Turner DJ, Tofanelli S, Bulayeva K. (2012) High altitude adaptation in Daghestani populations from the Caucasus. Human Genetics 131(3):423-433
10. Pagani L, Kivisild T, Tarekegn A, Ekong R, Plaster C, Romero IG, AQ, Mehdi SQ, Thomas MG, Luiselli D. (2012) Ethiopian genetic diversity reveals linguistic stratification and complex influences on the Ethiopian gene pool. The American Journal of Human Genetics 91(1):83-96

Research Area

Molecular Anthropology, Human Population Genomics, Ancient DNA, Computational Genomics, Natural Selection, Human Biodemography.

Thesis proposals

Physical Anthropology: analyses of ancient samples from Italian necropoles available at the Anthropology Museum of the University of Padova. For further info please write an email to the museum curator, Dr. Nicola Carrara, Cc me.

Molecular Anthropology: genetic diversity in worldwide human populations (with particular focus on Estonian, Ethiopian and Italian populations); interaction of ancient and modern autosomic haplotypes; analyses of whole genome data available from the literature and recently published. Prior knowledge of at least one programming language (R, Python, Perl, C++..) and survival skills within a Unix environment are mandatory pre-requisites.