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Prof. Arturo Lorenzoni (1966) is professor of Energy Economics and Electricity Market Economics at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova, Italy.
His scientific interests are related to the technical, economic and regulatory aspects of the energy sector and to its overall efficiency, with particular attention to the electric power system, the utilities and the development of renewable energy sources.
From July 2017 to July 2020 he was Deputy Mayor of the municipality of Padova, with responsibility on Urban Development, Mobility, Private Buildings, Digital Agenda, Disability and Independent Life. From October 2020 he is a member of the Regional Council on Veneto.


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Betto F., Garengo P., Lorenzoni A, A new measure of Italian hidden energy poverty, Energy Policy vol 138, March 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2019.111237.
Coppo M., Lorenzoni A., Bano L., Principles of Electricity Markets Economics, società editrice Esculapio Bologna, doi: 10.15651/9788893851824, ISBN: 8893851822, 272 pp
Marzi S., Lorenzoni A., Mysiak J., Farnia L., Dasgupta S., Competence analysis for promoting energy efficiency projects in developing countries: The case of OPEC, ENERGY, Volume 189, 15 December 2019, 115996, DOI
M. Cai, N. Cusumano, A. Lorenzoni, F. Pontoni, A comprehensive ex post assessment of RES deployment in Italy: jobs. Value added and import leakages, JEPO9447 Energy Policy 110C (2017) pp. 234-245, DOI information: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.08.013.
M. Gaspari, A. Lorenzoni, The governance for Distributed Energy Resources in the Italian electricity market: a driver for innovation?, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 82 (2018) 3623–3632,
M. Gaspari, A. Lorenzoni, P. Frías, J. Reneses, Integrated Energy Services for the industrial secA. Lorenzoni, Migliorare la vita di tutti: investire nella ricerca, in Etica per le professioni, Dossier Green Economy al lavoro, Proget Edizioni, 2/2013, ISBN 978-88-88785-42-4, ISSN 1591-7649, pp. 48 – 53.
F. Disconzi, A. Lorenzoni (a cura di), Politiche locali per il clima, Francoangeli 2014, collana Economia e politica dell’energia e dell’ambiente 420.43, ISBN 978-88-917-0579-2.
A. Lorenzoni, D. Zanni, L’Efficienza possibile, Qualenergia, anno XI, numero 1, febbraio-marzo 2013, pagg. 34-36.
F. Pontoni, A. Lorenzoni, Gas naturale, cicli combinati e rinnovabili analisi del mercato energetico italiano, CH4 numero 3/2012.
A. Lorenzoni, Il risparmio energetico, ISBN 978-88-15-23741-5, n. 200 collana Farsi un’idea, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012.
N. Cusumano, A. Lorenzoni, I costi di produzione di energia elettrica da fonti rinnovabili, cap. 4 del volume Le energie da fonti rinnovabili: lo stato dell’arte, Laboratorio Energie Rinnovabili EnergyLab, ISBN 978-88-97342-08-3, Giedizioni Roma 2011.
A. Lorenzoni, La sostenibilità come indirizzo agli investimenti nel settore dell’energia, L’INDUSTRIA / n.s., a. XXXII, n. 2, aprile-giugno 2011 ISSN : 0019-7416, pp 213 – 222 DOI: 10.1430/34905.
A. Doni, F. Dughiero, A. Lorenzoni, A Comparison Between Thin Film and c-Si PV Technologies for MW Size Applications, 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu, Hawai'i, June 20-25, 2010
F. Disconzi, A. Lorenzoni, Critical factors for the social acceptance of renewable energy technologies: a survey on perceived priorities, 11th IAEE European Conference, Vilnius, August 2010.
A. Lorenzoni, Struttura dei costi delle tecnologie e politiche di incentivazione delle fonti rinnovabili. Prospettive di breve e di lungo periodo, in Energie rinnovabili, ambiente e mercato, pubblicazione GME, ottobre 2009.
A. Lorenzoni, Sistemas de estímulo para el desarrollo de las energías renovables, in Carmen Gallastegui, Mikel González Ruiz de Eguino (editors), Papeles de Economía Española n. 121, numero monografico su “Economía y Cambio Climático” 228 pp., Madrid, ottobre 2009

Research Area

Energy economics, regulation of utilities, renewable energy and energy efficiency. The policies for the energy transition and the decarbonization and local policies for climate. The economics of public utilities between equity and efficiency. The insertion of intermittent energy sources in the electricity grid

Thesis proposals

Thesis are available both in the University and with a stage in an energy company. There are good connections with energy utilities and engineering companies for a 4 - 8 months period stage.
Pleae contact me via email to see which topics can bu studied and which companies can be contacted.