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Present position
Associate Professor in Economic Statistics at the Department of Statistical Science - University of Padua.

Previous position and education
1991 Degree in Economics and Statistics - University of Padua
1995 PhD in Applied Statistics - University of Florence
1994-1996 statistics researcher at Centro Studi San Salvador - Telecom Italia
1996-1999 Post-doctoral fellowship - University of Padua
1999-2002 Research fellowship - University di Padua
2002-2017 Assistant professor in Economic Statistics - University of Padua.


In sabbatical leave from October 1st, 2023 to Septenber 30th, 2024



Meggiolaro S., Giraldo A., Clerici R. (2017), “A multilevel competing risks model for analysis of university students’ careers in Italy”, in Studies in higher education, 42(7), 1259-1274.

Clerici R., Giraldo A., Meggiolaro S. (2015), “The determinants of academic outcomes in a competing risks approach: evidence from Italy”, in Studies in higher education, 40(9), 1535-1549.

Giraldo A., Dalla Zuanna G., Rettore E. (2015), “Childcare and participation at work in North-East Italy: Why do Italian and foreign mothers behave differently?”, Statistical Methods & Applications, 24, 339–358.

Clerici R., Giraldo A. (2014), “Un’indagine tra gli studenti padovani”, in Successo e insuccesso negli studi universitari. Dati, interpretazioni e proposte dall’ateneo di Padova, a cura di G. Zago, A. Giraldo e R. Clerici, Il Mulino, Bologna, 57-69.

Giraldo A. (2014), “I fattori psicologici, individuali e familiari che influenzano gli esiti universitari” in Successo e insuccesso negli studi universitari. Dati, interpretazioni e proposte dall’ateneo di Padova, a cura di G. Zago, A. Giraldo e R. Clerici, Il Mulino, Bologna, 87-103.

Anastasia B., Giraldo A., Paggiaro A. (2013), “L’effetto degli incentivi alle assunzioni e alle trasformazioni. Prime evidenze per il Veneto”, Politica economica, XXIX, 2, 181-197.

Del Boca D., Giraldo A. (2013), “Why has the growth of female employment in Italy been so slow?”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 18(4), 485-499.

Giraldo A., Dalla Zuanna G. (2006), “Investigation of a unit non-response adjustment procedure: the case of the Urban Fertility Survey, Italy, 2001-2002”, Population, 61(3), 295-307.

Trivellato U., Giraldo A. (2006), “Assessing the ‘choosiness’ of job seekers. An exploratory approach and evidence for Italy”, Labour, 20(1), 1-36.

Research Area

Research interest: Data quality in sample surveys, missing data, measurement of employment and unemployment, impact evaluation of public policies, students' career in higher education.