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1992 – 1997
Laurea (Master equivalent) in Experimental Psychology, Università degli Studi di Padova

1997 – 1998
Post-lauream internship, Neuropsychology service of the Faculty of Psychology at the Ca' Foncello hospital (Treviso) and Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale, Università degli Studi di Padova.

1999 – 2002
PhD in Cognitive Sciences (Thesis: Stimulus-driven processing in arithmetic facts retrieval and attentional orienting; Supervisor: Prof. Carlo Umiltà), Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione, Università degli Studi di Padova.

2000 – 2001
One-year visiting Ph.D student, Centre for Visual Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, UK.

2003 – 2004
Two-year postdoc fellowship, Dipartimento di Scienze della Cognizione e della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Trento.

Current academic position
Full Professor (M-PSI/01: General Psychology), Dipartimento di Psicologia dello Sviluppo e della Socializzazione, Università degli Studi di Padova.

Recent institutional roles
-Coordinator of the PhD Course in Psychological Sciences, Università degli Studi di Padova (2017-2023).

Scientific affiliations
-Full member of the Italian Association of Psychology, Experimental Psychology section (since 2006), Clinical Psychology section (since 2016).
-Full member of the Society for Neuroscience (since 2014).
-Full member of the Association for Psychological Science (since 2016).

Main research topics
Orienting of attention
Inhibitory processes in attention and memory

Scientific activity and bibliometric info
H-index: 26 (Source: WoS)
Author of:
-67 Scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals.
-10 Scientific articles in peer-reviewed national journals.
-4 chapters in international volumes.
-3 chapters in national volumes.

Invited lectures and seminars (selection)
Department of Psychology, Guangzhou University, People's Republic of China, December 2016.
Departamento de Psicología Básica y Metodología, Universidad de Murcia, Spain, March 2012.
Department of Experimental Psychology and Centre for Neuroscience and Education, University of Cambridge, U.K., May 2011.

Teaching activity
-Undergraduate level:
Past: Psicologia Generale, Tecniche di Ricerca in Psicologia Cognitiva, Etica e deontologia professionale, Laboratory in Experimental Psychology, Psychology of thinking.
Present: Psychology of thinking and reasoning (9CFU), Laboratory in Human Cognition (in English; 6CFU), Attentional processing and social cognition (6CFU).

-Postgraduate level:
Orienting of attention in healthy individuals and clinical patients (in English, PhD students).
Attention and eye movements (in English, PhD students).


Students can stay in touch by emailing me and planning a meeting which will take place either in presence or via the ZOOM platform.

Office hours

  • Thursday from 13:00 to 15:00
    at Via Venezia 8, secondo piano, stanza 015
    Il ricevimento studenti verrà svolto in presenza o in modalità telematica tramite la piattaforma ZOOM, previo appuntamento concordato via email.




Dalmaso, M., Galfano, G., & Castelli, L. (2023). Testing the effects of uninformative gaze stimuli with invariant spatial direction on attention cueing. In press. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Dalmaso, M., Galfano, G., & Castelli, L. (2023). Are eyes special? Gaze, but not pointing gestures, elicits a reversed congruency effect in a spatial Stroop task. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 85, 2547-2552.

Zhang, X., Dalmaso, M., Galfano, G., & Castelli, L. (2023). Tuning social modulations of gaze cuing via contextual factors. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 1004-1010.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Bernardini, C., & Galfano, G. (2023). Can masked gaze and arrow stimuli elicit overt orienting of attention? A registered report. Consciousness and Cognition, 109, 103476.

Del Missier, F., Stragà, M., Galfano, G., Venerus, E., Ferrara, D., & Penolazzi, B. (2022). Creativity in schizophrenia: Evidence beyond anecdotes. Creativity Research Journal, 34, 445-459.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2021). Increased gaze-cueing of attention during COVID-19 lockdown. iScience, 24, 103283.

Dalmaso, M., Zhang, X., Galfano, G., & Castelli, L. (2021). Face masks do not alter gaze cueing of attention: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic. i-Perception, 12(6), 1-16.

Zhang, X., Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Fu, S., & Galfano, G. (2021). Cross-cultural asymmetries in oculomotor interference elicited by gaze distractors belonging to Asian and White faces. Scientific Reports, 11, 20410.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Scatturin, P., & Galfano, G. (2021). Can attitude similarity shape social inhibition of return? Visual Cognition, 29, 463-474.

Zhang, X., Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., Fiorese, A., Lan, Y., Sun, B., Fu, S., & Galfano, G. (2021). Social attention across borders: A cross-cultural investigation of gaze cueing elicited by same- and other-ethnicity faces. British Journal of Psychology, 112, 741-762.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Early saccade planning cannot override oculomotor interference elicited by gaze and arrow distractors. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 990-997.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Social modulators of gaze-mediated orienting of attention: A review. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27, 833-855.

Penolazzi, B., Del Missier, F., Stramaccia, D. F., Monego, A. L., Manzan, A., Bertoli, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Testing the transdiagnostic hypothesis of inhibitory control deficits in addictions: An experimental study on gambling disorder. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 9, 339-346.

Dalmaso, M., Alessi, G., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Eye contact boosts the reflexive component of overt gaze following. Scientific Reports, 10, 4777.

Dalmaso, M., Castelli, L., & Galfano, G. (2020). Microsaccadic rate and pupil size dynamics in pro-/anti-saccade preparation: The impact of intermixed vs. blocked trial administration. Psychological Research, 84, 1320-1332.

Del Missier, F., Galfano, G., Venerus, E., Ferrara, D., Bruine de Bruin, W., & Penolazzi, B. (2020). Decision-making competence in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 215, 457-459.

Research Area

Symbolic and biological control of spatial attention
Social attention and social processes
Inhibitory effects and control processes in memory retrieval and forgetting

Thesis proposals

I supervise Master students working in the following areas:
-Inhibitory effects and control processes in memory retrieval and forgetting
-Symbolic and biological control of spatial attention
-Social attention and social processes
-Attention mechanisms applied to psychology of art

I supervise PhD students working in the following areas:
-Control processes in memory retrieval and forgetting
-Inhibitory effects in cognition
-Attention mechanisms applied to psychology of art

I investigate these topics in both healthy participants and in different classes of clinical populations by using both the classic methods of experimental psychology (behavioral measures and eye movements) and neuroscientific techniques.