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Professoressa Associata





1984: Degree summa cum laude in Pharmacy, University of Padova.
1986-1990: Doctorate in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Pharmacology, University of Padova, Supervisor: Prof. Giuliana Fassina.
1989: Exchange PhD student, Cardiovascular laboratory, Department of Pharmacology-Division-JHMHC Cardiology, University of Florida (USA), Supervisor: Prof. Luiz Belardinelli
1991-1992: Post-Doc, Department of Pharmacology, University of Padova, and Supervisor: Prof. Giuliana Fassina.
1992: Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (SSD BIO/14), Department of Pharmacology, University of Padova.
2006-present: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD BIO/14), Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova.

Since 1987 she is teaching courses of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacognosy, Information and Documentation of Drugs in “Pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical Chemistry”, “Scientific Information of Drugs" and "Pharmaceutical Sciences Applied” Degree Courses.
Since 2002 she is member of the college Ph.D. degree, first in the "International Research Doctorate in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology" of Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (University of Freiburg), Department of Biochemical Pharmacology (University of Innsbruck) and Department of Pharmacology and Anaesthesiology (University of Padova), then for PhD course in "Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Intensive Therapy", lastly in the PhD Program in “Pharmacological Sciences”.

The scientific activity is documented by more than 90 manuscripts published in international journals for the most part, 70 proceedings and more than 130 contributions to national and international conferences. The academic publication activity also includes 12 chapters on topics in Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology and Toxicology.


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 9:00 to 15:00
    at Edificio E. Meneghetti 2, I° piano. Per maggiori informazioni chiedere in portineria.
    Il docente può non essere presente in studio in coincidenza con impegni di didattica frontale o in relazione ad altra attività accademica.

  • Thursday from 9:00 to 15:00
    at Edificio E. Meneghetti 2, I° piano. Per maggiori informazioni chiedere in portineria.
    Il docente può non essere presente in studio in coincidenza con impegni di didattica frontale o in relazione ad altra attività accademica.




Research Area

The research activity focuses on the study of natural compounds, natural and synthetic compounds with pharmacological activity mainly at cardiovascular level, also in relation to aging. The search lines are:

1. detection of the antiglycation and the antioxidant activities (TPC, TFC, DPPH, ORAC, gly-BSA, HUVEC) of potential pharmacological agents;
2. pharmacological study of new agents in the treatment of metabolic diseases.

Thesis proposals

Research theses concerning the study of natural and synthetic compounds with antiglycation and anti-inflammatory activities on the cardiovascular system. Experimental studies are carried out with several in vitro models.

Theses concerning single new pharmacological classes with particular attention to bibliographic research on effectiveness, pharmacokinetics and side effects of drugs.