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Professore Ordinario





1992: Degree in Psychology, University of Padova;
1994: School in Cognitive Neuropsychology, S. Raffaele University - Milan;
1996: Visiting Research Associate at the University of Waterloo, Canada;
1998: Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Padova;
1999: Post-doc (Fyssen) at the CNRS Aix en Provence;
2000: Post-doc (MURST) at the University of Padova;
2000-: Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Ferrara;
2003-: Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Padova;
2004-: Main referent for the Graduate School in Cognitive Science, University of Padova;
2005-: Full Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Padova;
2005-: Head of the EEG Laboratory of the DPSS;
2006-: Head of the NIR Spectroscopy Laboratory of the DPSS;
2013-2017: Head of the Department of Developmental Psychology, University of Padova;
2019-2020: National guarantee panel for scientific qualification in sector 11/E1.

1998: Invitation to attend to the XIX Attention and Performance Meeting;
1998: National Award for the best PhD thesis sponsored by Italian Association of Psychology;
1998: National Award for the best methodological contribution in Experimental Psychology, OS Firenze;
2000: Invitation to attend to the XX Attention and Performance Meeting;
2000: II c. at the Paul Bertelson Award granted by the European Society for Cognitive Psychology;
2007: Invited lecture at the Royal Academy of Science of the Netherlands.

Editorial activity:
2000-: Reviewer for the following Journals:
Biological Psychology,
Cognitive Psychology,
Experimental Brain Research,
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,
Journal of Vision,
Memory & Cognition,
Nature Neuroscience,
Perception & Psychophysics,
Psychological Research,
Psychological Science,
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
Vision Research;
2003-: Editorial Board of Behavior Research Methods (Psychonomic Society Publications);
2008-2010: Associate Editor for Experimental Psychology (Hogrefe & Huber);
2008-2010: Advisory Board for Psychological Research (Springer);
2010-: Editorial Board for Frontiers (Frontiers Ed.);
2011-2013: Associate Editor for Psychological Research (Springer).

Scientific committees:
2004-: Panel of Reviewers for Progetto Vigoni Italy-Germany (IT);
2008-: Panel of Reviewers for Wellcome-Trust Foundation (UK);
2008-: Board of scientific advisors for the Center of Cognitive and Brain Science, University of Padova (IT);
2011-: Advisory Council of the International Association for the Study of Attention and Performance.

2002-: Member of the Psychonomic Society;
2006-: Member of the Society for Psychophysiological Research;
2007-: Member of the European Society of Cognitive Psychology;
2008-: Member of the Association for Psychological Science;
2009-: Member of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society.


Note for students willing to compete for access to the Graduate School in Psychological Science.

I am keen to supervise the research work of PhD candidates whose interest spans the domain of visual attention and visual working memory in the human adult brain. I am also interested in the causes of the attentional blink phenomenon. Using EEG, fNIRS, and fMRI -- all techniques my collaborators and I often employ in our studies -- I tend to focus on the neural correlates and localization indices of the processing taking place during visual search, change detection, and rapid serial visual presentation paradigms.

The full list of scientific articles I published in this domain and related fields of investigation (downlodable pdfs) can be found at:

The norms for access to the Graduate School in Psychological Science can be found at:

Office hours

  • Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
    at Via Venezia 8, Edificio Psico 1, I piano, Ufficio 01.010
    Il ricevimento studenti si terrà negli orari indicati connettendosi alla stanza Zoom del docente (; connessioni tramite cellulare non consentite) dopo la segnalazione tramite email con un anticipo minimo di 48 ore. Student hours will be held from remote by connecting to the teacher's Zoom room (; no mobile phone connections allowed), after sending an email to the teacher at least 48 hours in advance.



The complete list of papers of the teacher is available at the site (Main/People > Roberto Dell'Acqua/Details).

Research Area

Please refer to 'Research Areas' at

Thesis proposals

Please refer to 'Research Areas' at