Address book
Professore Associato
Ivano Ciardelli is tenure-track assistant professor (RtdB) at the University of Padova and holder of a Rita Levi Montalcini Fellowship.
Before moving to Padova, Ivano was group leader of a research team at LMU Munich, funded by a prestigious DFG Emmy Noether grant. Before that, he had been a postdoc researcher at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) of the University of Amsterdam, an assistant professor at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) of LMU Munich. Ivano has received his PhD from the University of Amsterdam in 2016.
Ivano conducts research in logic, philosophy of language, and natural language semantics and pragmatics. He has published in journals in philosophical logic (Journal of Philosophical Logic, Review of Symbolic Logic), mathematical logic (Journal of Symbolic Logic, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic), philosophy of language (Linguistics & Philosophy), formal epistemology (Synthese) and linguistics (Natural Language Semantics, Language and Linguistics Compass).
He has played a key role in initiating, developing, and promoting inquisitive semantics, a framework which allows for a unified analysis of the semantics of statements and questions, and for an extension of the scope of logic to questions. He has published two monographs on the topic with Oxford University Press and Springer (available open access).
Ivano is associate editor at the Journal of Philosophical Logic. He holds the Italian habilitation as associate professor in mathematical logic (01/A1), philosophical logic (11/C2), and philosophy of language (11/C4).
He has been an invited speaker at a number of conferences, including PhDs in Logic (2022), Asking and Answering (2020, keynote), the Workshop on Logics of Dependence and Independence (2020), Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (2017), and the Poznan Reasoning Week (2016).
Ivano has taught many courses in logic and philosophy of language at LMU Munich, on topics such as conditionals, formal semantics, intuitionistic logic, computability theory, and inquisitive logic. In 2019 he received a prize for good teaching by the LMU Philosophy Fachschaft. He has also taught internationally, in the context of the European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI) and the Norwegian Graduate School in Linguistics.
He has supervised a PhD project and six MA thesis projects, most of which have resulted in journal publications.
For a detailed CV, see attachment.
Office hours
Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:30
at Palazzo del Capitanio, Ufficio 02 032
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- LOGIC, AA 2023 (SUP5070960)
- SEMANTICS, AA 2023 (SUP9085903)
- LOGIC, AA 2022 (SUP5070960)
- LOGIC, AA 2022 (SUP5070960)
- LOGIC, AA 2022 (SUP5070960)
- SEMANTICS, AA 2022 (SUP9085903)