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Professoressa Onoraria



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Office hours

  • Thursday from 14:15 to 16:15
    at Sezione di Psicologia Applicata, studio 004, quinto piano, via Venezia 14 (Nuovo Edificio - Centro Congressi)
    In base alle direttive in materia di contenimento del virus, il ricevimento studenti potrà svolgersi in modalità telematica o telefonica. Gli interessati sono invitati a scrivere via email e saranno ricontattati. Molti cordiali saluti, AC

  • Thursday from 13:30 to 15:30
    Per contemporanei impegni di ricerca, il ricevimento studenti di giovedì 11 marzo p.v. sarà anticipato e si terrà dalle 13.30 alle 15.30. Cordiali saluti, AC




ROMAIOLI D., & CONTARELLO, A. (2017). Redefining agency in late life: the concept of ‘disponibility.’ Ageing & Society, p.1-23.

BRONDI, S., & CONTARELLO, A. (2017) Social representations of science in times of change: A pilot study within the Italian context. Psicologia Sociale, 12 (2), 171-196.

RIZZOLI, V., ROMAIOLI D., & CONTARELLO, A. (2017). The Crisis Tsunami. The social representation of the economic crisis in the Italian press. International Review of Social Psychology. DOI:

CONTARELLO, A. (2016) Représentations sociales et textes littéraires. Récits, structures et au-delà. In G. Lo Monaco, S. Delouvéè, P. Rateau (Eds.) Les représentations sociales. Théories, méthodes et applications. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck Supérieur. pp. 205-217. ISBN: 9782807305465

CONTARELLO, A., CAMARGO, B. V., WACHELKE, J., PICCOLO, C., XAVIER MORAIS, D. (2016). “Ageing Well” in changing times and places. Further notes on anchoring and stakes in a Brazilian and an Italian context. Papers on Social Representations, 25 (1), 11.1-11.31.

NENCINI, A., SARRICA, M., CANCIAN, R., CONTARELLO, A. (2015). Pain as social representations. A study with Italian Health professionals involved in the “Hospital and District without Pain” project. Health Promotion International (on line first) 30 (4), 919-28.

SARRICA, M., FORTUNATI, L., CONTARELLO, A. (2014). New Technologies, Ageing and Social Well-Being in a Southern Italian Context. In: (a cura di): T. Denison, M. Sarrica, L. Stillman, Theories, Practices and Examples for Community and Social Informatics. pp. 19-44, Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, ISBN: 9781921867620

CONTARELLO, A., BRONDI, S., ROMANO, R. (2013). Social Representations of Technology by University Students from Diverse Disciplinary Grounds. In D. Halkias (ed.), Psychology and the Search for Certainty in Everyday Life. (pp. 113-131). Athens: Athens Institute for Education and Research. ISBN: 978-960-9549-35-6

Research Area

Social issues in times of change, inquired within a social constructivist theoretical framework - in particular, social representations of ageing

Qualitative and quali-quantitative methods in social psychology

Social psychology and literary texts

History of Social Psychology through the study of its scientific journals

Thesis proposals

1. Qualitative and quali-quantitative methods in social psychology
2. Social issues in times of change, inquired within a social constructivist theoretical framework
3. Social psychology and literary texts