Address book
Studiosa senior
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Office hours
Monday from 15:00 to 17:00
at Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale, studio 06 020 (sesto piano)*** Eventuali spostamenti o sospensioni del ricevimento studenti vengono segnalati in questo spazio. Se prendete un appuntamento via email (vivamente consigliato), in caso di variazioni di giorno o orario vi avviserò direttamente.
Attenzione: se aspettate una email da parte mia, controllate la cartella dello SPAM: talvolta le mie email finiscono lì. ***
== Per chiedere informazioni o assistenza scrivetemi pure in qualsiasi momento ==
Bressan, P. (2020). In humans, only attractive females fulfil their sexually imprinted preferences for eye colour. Scientific Reports, 10, 6004.
Bressan, P. (2019). Confounds in “failed” replications. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:1884.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2019). Mitochondria inspire a lifestyle. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology, 231, 105-126. Open-access preprint:
Bressan, P. (2018). Systemisers are better at maths. Scientific Reports, 8, 11636.
Bressan, P., & Damian, V. (2018). Fathers' eye colour sways daughters' choice of both long- and short-term partners. Scientific Reports, 8, 5574.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2015). Humans as superorganisms: how microbes, viruses, imprinted genes and other selfish entities shape our behavior. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10, 464-481.
Bressan, P., & Kramer, P. (2015). Human kin detection. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 6, 299-311.
Bressan, P., & Dal Pos, S. (2012). Fathers see stronger family resemblances than non-fathers in unrelated children’s faces. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 1423-1430.
Kramer, P., Bressan, P., & Grassi, M. (2011). Time estimation predicts mathematical intelligence. PLoS ONE, 6(12): e28621.
Kramer, P., & Bressan, P. (2010). Paradoxical lightness contrast. Vision Research, 50, 144-148.
Bressan, P., & Zucchi, G. (2009). Human kin recognition is self- rather than family-referential. Biology Letters, 5, 336-338.
Bressan, P., Colarelli, S. M., & Cavalieri, M. B. (2009). Biologically costly altruism depends on emotional closeness among step but not half or full siblings. Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 118-132.
Bressan, P., Kramer, P., & Germani, M. (2008). Visual attentional capture predicts belief in a meaningful world. Cortex, 44, 1299-1306.
Bressan, P., & Stranieri, D. (2008). The best men are (not always) already taken: Female preference for single versus attached males depends on conception risk. Psychological Science, 19, 145-151.
Bressan, P., & Pizzighello, S. (2008). The attentional cost of inattentional blindness. Cognition, 106, 370-383.
Bressan, P. (2007). Il colore della luna. Come vediamo e perché. Roma: Laterza. (Tradotto in altre lingue)
Bressan, P. (2006). The place of white in a world of grays: a double-anchoring theory of lightness perception. Psychological Review, 113, 526-553.
Bressan, P., Grassi, M. (2004). Parental resemblance in one-year-olds and the Gaussian curve. Evolution and Human Behavior, 25, 133-141.
Bressan, P., Garlaschelli, L., & Barracano, M. (2003). Antigravity hills are visual illusions. Psychological Science, 14, 441-449.
Bressan, P., Dal Martello, M.F. (2002). Talis pater, talis filius: perceived resemblance and the belief in genetic relatedness. Psychological Science, 13, 213-218.
Bressan, P. (2002). Why babies look like their daddies: paternity uncertainty and the evolution of self-deception in evaluating family resemblance. Acta Ethologica, 4, 113-118.
Bressan, P. (2002). The connection between random sequences, everyday coincidences, and belief in the paranormal. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 16, 17-34.
Bressan, P. (2001). Explaining lightness illusions. Perception, 30, 1031-1046.
Bressan, P., Mingolla E., Spillmann L., Watanabe T. (1997). Neon colour spreading: A review. Perception, 26, 1353-1366.
Research Area
Visual perception, evolutionary psychology
Research topics:
Psychological research that crosses scientific disciplines. In particular, how mental health is affected by brain and gut microbes, viruses, cells of other humans, imprinted genes, and food.
Thesis proposals
Dear students: I will retire at the end of September 2024. .............................................................................
Topic: Perception of trustworthiness in faces.
Type of project: Experimental [TESI TRIENNALE o TIROCINIO]
Method: Online presentation of images and questionnaires in Northern European countries (using Northern European languages). Of course, this can be done wherever you are.
Prerequisites: Ability to advertise the study online in Northern Europe (via social networks: Universities’ networks, Facebook groups, etc).
NOTE: This is a cross-cultural study. Students who are familiar with a Northern European language other than English are especially welcome. In that case, the internship will include the translation of the questionnaires from Italian (or English) to the language known by the student, and the study can be advertised in countries where that language is spoken. Potential countries: Baltic, Scandinavian, and Benelux countries; Finland; Belarus; Russia; German-speaking countries; UK; Ireland; France; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Ukraine; Moldova; Hungary; Slovenia; Croatia.