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Professoressa Ordinaria





Full professor, SSD AGR/20 (Poultry and Rabbit Science, Aquaculture), Department of Agronomy Food Natural Resources Animals Environment (DAFNAE) (2015-2022). Associate professor, SSD AGR/20 (Poultry and Rabbit Science, Aquaculture), Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science (BCA), (2015-2022). Assistant professor SSD AGR/20, University of Padova (2010-2015). Graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Bari (April 1995) 110/110 cum laude; PhD in Animal Science at the University of Padova (2000).
During the last 10 years, researches has been especially devoted to the development of alternative housing systems for growing rabbits and reproducing does, in view of animal welfare and behavior, growth performance and product quality. Among most recent research topics, strategies for improving performance, product quality, health and welfare of poultry and laying hens. Initially, main research topics were harmonization of rabbit feed evaluation; energy and protein metabolism, nutritive requirements and relationships with health status in growing rabbits and reproducing does. Other research topics included feeding, management and rearing factors affecting meat quality (poultry, veal, rabbits, fish); use of NIRS analysis to characterize feeds for animals and meat; effect of rearing system on welfare, freshness, nutritional quality and safety (PCBs and heavy metals) of sea bass.
Bibliometric indexes: Scopus: 105 publications, 26 H index and 2059 citations (25/08/2023).
Institutional activities at UNIPD: Coordinator (2020-23) and vice-coordinator (2017-20) PhD Program Animal and Food Science; Coordinator Budget Committee BCA (2019-22); Coordinator Scientific Committee BCA (2015-19); Member of GAV Master Agricultural Science and Technology (2012-16); Member of the Committee for traineeship of the Veterinary Medicine Degree (2012-19).
Scientific responsible of:
HORIZON-TMA-MSCA-PF-EF (HORIZON TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - European Fellowships) - “Development of myopathies in broiler chickens with a special insight into spaghetti meat” (2022-24)
Unimpresa Project (2019). Development and implementation of cage-free housing systems for laying hens (2020-22).
Unismart Industrial PhD program (Unismart, Officine Facco) (2019). Development and implementation of cage-free housing systems for laying hens (XXXV cycle).
Marie-Curie project PISCOPIA “Understand the relevant factors to assess rabbit welfare under experimental and commercial conditions” (2014-18).
Research unit in the project “Alternative systems for rabbit rearing: economic, health and welfare evaluation and consumer perception”, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie-Italian health authority and research organization for animal health and food safety (2018-20).
FEAMP project “Development of innovative and sustainable systems for oysters farming in Sacca di Scardovari” (2017-18);
Project of the University of Padova “Strategies to improve animal welfare and product quality in broiler chickens“ (2014-16).
Research unit in PSR project funded by the Veneto region “Innovation in farming systems for hares” Regione Veneto (2014-15).
Project CNR-Agenzia2000 “Characterization of seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy” for young researchers (2000).
Participant in: H2020-RUR-2018-2020 NETPOULSAFE (2020-23); PRIMA FISH-PhotoCAT (2020-23); Expert in the COST Action 848 (2000-05); Concerted action: ERAFE (FAIR3-CT96-1651) (1996-02).


Office hours

  • at Studio docente, Agripolis, Stecca 2, 1° Piano, Dipartimento di Agronomia, Alimenti, Animali, Risorse naturali e Ambiente
    Il docente è sempre disponibile. E' preferibile concordare un appuntamento per mail (



Latest publications (see attached file for all publications)

CAIMI C., BIASATO I., CHEMELLO G., BELLEZZA ODDON S., LUSSIANA C., MALFATTO V.M., CAPUCCHIO M.T., COLOMBINO E., SCHIAVONE A., GAI F., TROCINO A., BRUGIAPAGLIA A., RENNA M., GASCO L. 2021. Dietary inclusion of a PARTIALLY defatted black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larva meal in low fishmeal-based diets for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 12:50,

BAILONI L., BACCHIN E., TROCINO A., ARANGO S. 2021. Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) Seed and Co-Products Inclusion in Diets for Dairy Ruminants: A Review. Animals 11, 856.

LANZA I., CONFICONI D., BALZAN S., CULLERE M., FASOLATO L., SERVA L., CONTIERO B., TROCINO A., MARCHESINI G., XICCATO G., NOVELLI E., SEGATO S. 2021. Assessment of chicken breast shelf life based on bench-top and portable NIR spectroscopy tools coupled with chemometrics. Food Quality and Safety 5, fyaa032.

PASCUAL A., TROCINO A., SUSTA L., BARBUT S. 2021. Comparing three textural measurements of chicken breast fillets affected by severe wooden breast and spaghetti meat. It. J. Animal Sci. 20(1), pp. 465–471.

LACONI A., MUGHINI-GRAS L., TOLOSI R., GRILLI G., TROCINO A., CARRARO L., DI CESARE F., CAGNARDI P., PICCIRILLO A. 2021. Microbial community composition and antimicrobial resistance in agricultural soils fertilized with livestock manure from conventional farming in Northern Italy. Science of the Total Environment 760, 143404.

BORDIGNON F., TROCINO A., BIROLO M., MAUCIERI C., NICOLETTO C., PASCUAL A., ZANIN G., SAMBO P., BORIN M., XICCATO G. 2020. Farming largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in a low-tech aquaponic system: effects of stocking density on fish growth and quality and vegetable production. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica 23 (MONOTHEMATIC ISSUE: FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION), 79-87.

PILLAN G., TROCINO A., PASCUAL A., BORDIGNON F., BIROLO M., CONCOLLATO A., XICCATO G. 2020. Training of pullets on ARRIVAL: effects on the space use in an aviary system. Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica 23 (MONOTHEMATIC ISSUE: FUTURE PERSPECTIVES IN ANIMAL PRODUCTION), 269-275..

TULLI F., MORENO-ROJAS J.M., MESSINA C.M., TROCINO A., XICCATO G., MUÑOZ-REDONDO J.M., SANTULLI A., TIBALDI E. 2020. The use of stable isotope ratio analysis to trace European sea bass (D. labrax) originating from different farming systems. Animals 10, 2042.

PASCUAL A., TROCINO A., BIROLO M., CARDAZZO B., BORDIGNON F., BALLARIN C., CARRARO L., XICCATO G. 2020. Dietary supplementation with sodium butyrate: growth, gut response at different ages, and meat quality of female and male broiler chickens. It. J. Anim. Sci. 19, 1135-1146.

CARMINATO A., PASCOLI F., TROCINO A., LOCATELLO L., MACCATROZZO L., PALAZZI R., RADAELLI G., BALLARIN C., BORTOLETTI M., BERTOTTO D. 2020. Productive Results, Oxidative Stress and Contaminant Markers in European Sea Bass: Conventional vs. Organic Feeding. Animals 10, 1226.

DABBOU S., FERROCINO I., GASCO L., SCHIAVONE A., TROCINO A., XICCATO G., BARROETA LAJUSTICIA A.C., MAIONE S., SOGLIA D., BIASATO I., COCOLIN L., GAI F., NUCERA M.D. 2020. Antimicrobial effects of Black Soldier Fly and Yellow Mealworm fats and their impact on gut microbiota of growing rabbits. Animals 10, 1292.

Research Area

In collaboration with Italian and foreign researcher, her research activity mainly dealt with rabbit science. Initially, main research topics were harmonization of rabbit feed evaluation; energy and protein metabolism, nutritive requirements and relationships with health status in growing rabbits and reproducing does. During the last 10 years, researches has been especially devoted to the development of alternative housing systems for growing rabbits and reproducing does, in view of animal welfare and behavior, growth performance and product quality.
Among most recent research topics, strategies for improving performance, meat quality, health and welfare of poultry. Other research topics included feeding, management and rearing factors affecting meat quality (poultry, veal, rabbits, fish); use of NIRS analysis to characterize feeds for animals and meat; effect of rearing system on welfare, freshness, nutritional quality and safety (PCBs and heavy metals) of sea bass; effect of rearing systems on production, egg quality and welfare of laying hens.

Thesis proposals

Effects of housing systems on performance and welfare of growing rabbits and does.

Effects of ontogenetic and rearing factors on perormance, welfare, myopathy occurrence and meat quality in broiler chickens.

Welfare, production and egg quality in laying hens kept under alternative rearing systems.

Animal welfare and envirnmental sustainability in aqauculture.