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From 2023. Coordinator of the University of Padova work group on refugees and students at risk.
From 2023. Academic coordinator of the Inclusion and Diversity Hub of the Arqus University Alliance.
From 2023. Coordinator (together with Erika Piazzoli, Trinity College Dublin) of the Italian section of Scenario, journal for performative teaching, learning, research.
From 2016. Associate Professor in English Language and Translation, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL), University of Padova.
From 2011. Member of the Editorial Board of Language Learning in Higher Education, Journal of CercleS (European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education), De Gruyter-Mouton.
From 2003. Lecturer in English Language and Translation on BA and MA courses, University of Padova.
2019-2023. Coordinator for Outreach and Public Engagement, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL), University of Padova.
2019-2022. Erasmus Coordinator, Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL), University of Padova.
2013-2016. Director of Padova University Language Centre.
2013-2016. Member of Executive of AICLU (Italian Association of University Language Centres).
January 2013. “Visiting Research Fellow”, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
2012-2015. Member of the governing board of Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL), University of Padova.
2011-2013. Deputy Director of Padova University Language Centre.
2009-2010. Deputy Director of Padua University Language Centre.
September-December 2010. “Visiting Scholar”, Roehampton University, London, UK.
2007. Representative of CercleS (Confédération Européenne des Centres de Langues de l’Education Supérieure) at Intergovernmental Forum of Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France.
2002-2019. Member of governing board of Padova University Language Centre.
2002-2016. Research fellow in English Language and Translation, Department of Anglo-Germanic and Slav Languages and Literature / Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies (DiSLL), Padova University.

2018-2022. Participation in Erasmus+ Key Action 201 (Strategic Partnerships for School Education). Project title: VIA Culture: European Cultural Heritage for Vocabulary In Action.
2018-2022. Participation in Erasmus+ Key Action 203 (Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education). Project title: Intercultural Reflection on Teaching.
2013-2016. Coordinator of Padova University Language Centre LEAP (Learning English of Academic Purposes) project.
2014-2016. Participation in PRODID (Preparazione alla professionalità docente e innovazione didattica), University of Padova.

2014. International Seminar “Sharing Perspectives on EMI in Europe”, Padova University.
2011. International Seminar: “Plot me plots: theatre in university language teaching”, University of Padova.
2009. CercleS Seminar “The role of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in higher education”, University of Padova, with the patronage of the Council of Europe.
2017. International Summer School (in collaboration with Université Grenoble Alpes) “The role of drama in higher and adult language education: from theory to practice”, University of Padova.
2019. International Summer School (in collaboration with Université Grenoble Alpes) “The role of drama in higher and adult language educ


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  • Wednesday from 9:30 to 12:30
    at Studio docente + Zoom
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Dalziel, Fiona & Guarda, Marta (in press). Emotional responses to language use in English-Medium Instruction (EMI): an exploration of student attitudes on two Italian degree programmes. In Lasagabaster, David, Fernández-Costales, Alberto & González-Mujico, Flordelis (eds.). The affective dimension in language learning in higher education. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Dalziel, Fiona (2022). 'Try to Say Things Straight, without Being Offensive, Obviously': Investigating the Pragmatics of Online Peer Review. In Gesuato, Sara, Salvato, Giuliana & Castello, Erik (eds.). Pragmatic Aspects of L2 Communication: From Awareness through Description to Assessment. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 164-190.

Dalziel, Fiona (2021). EMI and translanguaging: student language use in an Italian English-taught programme. In Mastellotto, Lynn & Zanin, Renata (eds.). EMI and Beyond: Internationalising Higher Education Curricula in Italy. Bolzano: Bolzano University Press, 193-214.

Dalziel, Fiona & Guarda, Marta (2021). Student Translanguaging Practices in the EMI Classroom: A Study of Italian Higher Education. In Paulsrud, BethAnne, Zhongfeng, Tian & Toth, Jeanette (eds.). At the Crossroads of English-Medium Instruction and English-Medium Instruction and Translanguaging. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, 124-140.

Dalziel, Fiona & Maistrello, Veronica (2020). Overcoming anxiety in adult migrants’ language learning by means of Process Drama. Global Education Review, 29-45.

Dalziel, Fiona (2019). Fostering Reflection in Academic Writing: An ELP Approach. In Ballweg, Sandra & Kühn, Bärbel (eds.). Portfolioarbeit im Kontext von Sprachenunterricht. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 97-114.

Dalziel, Fiona & Piazzoli, Erika (2019). “It comes from you”: agency in adult asylum seekers’ language learning through Process Drama. Language Learning in Higher Education 9/1, 7-32.

Dalziel, Fiona (2017). Angeli neri: il mondo tenebroso di Cornell Woolrich nel cinema di François Truffaut. In Brotto, Denis (ed.), François Truffaut. La letteratura al cinema. Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 86-99.

Dalziel, Fiona & Helm, Francesca (2017). Beyond the classroom: The impact of EMI on a university's linguistic landscape. L'analisi Linguistica e Letteraria, 25, 372-399.

Dalziel, Fiona (2017). English-Medium Instruction and approaches to teaching: some reflections on an experience at the University of Padova. In Felisatti, Ettore & Serbati, Anna (eds.). Preparare alla professionalità docente e innovare la didattica universitaria. Roma: Franco Angeli Edizioni, 258-271.

Dalziel, Fiona (2017). EMI at the University of Padova: an ecology of learning and teaching. In Ackerley, Katherine, Guarda, Marta & Helm, Francesca (eds.), Sharing Perspectives on English-Medium Instruction. Bern: Peter Lang, 131-147.

Dalziel, Fiona, Davies, Gillian & Han, Amy (2016). Using the ELP as a basis for self- and peer assessment when selecting "best" work in modern-language degree programmes. Language Learning in Higher Education 6/2, 397-417.

Research Area

English-Medium Instruction(EMI)
The teaching of academic writing
Drama in language learning, including that of refugees and migrants
Metacognitive strategies and autonomous learning

Thesis proposals

Drama in Language Learning
Online intercultural exchange
Plurilingualism, linguistic repertoires and translanguaging
Linguistic Landscapes
Critical Discourse Analysis
Critical Language Pedagogy
English-Medium Instruction (EMI), language policy and internationalisation strategies
English language teaching (learning strategies, autonomy, motivation, foreign language anxiety etc.)
Inclusive language