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Professor Gesualdo M. Zucco

Gesualdo Zucco is Full Professor of General Psychology at the University of Padova whereas he graduated in Psychology in 1980 and received his Ph.D. in 1988.
He was visiting scientist at the MRC (Medical research council, Applied psychology unit) of Cambridge (UK), the Brown University of Providence (Rhode Island, USA), the University college of Cork, (Ireland), the Academy of the sciences of Budapest (Hungary), the Clinic for Taste and Smell of the Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Dresda(Germany) and the CESG (Centre Europèen de Sciences du Gout) at the University of Djon (France) and invited speaker in international meetings. He is member of various scientific societies, active Referee for international Journals (e.g., Chemical Senses, Chemosensory Perception, Cortex, Physiology and Behaviour, Plos One, Brain and Cognition, Neurocase, Journal of Neuroscience Methods) and academic organizations (the Italian REPRISE, MIUR; The French, ANR; The Australian Higher Degree Research Committee), member of editorial boards, and associate editor of Frontiers in Cognitive Science. He is author of books and original articles published on international and national journals.

Educational activity
Teaching activity is developed in General Psychology at the University of Padova.

Main Research Topics

Chemical Senses, Perception and memory for odours, Neuropsychology of olfaction, Olfaction in Neurodegenerative disorders, Environmental odours, Memory.

Membership and Appointment

European Chemoreception Research Organization, European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Italian Association of Psychology (Experimental division)


Office hours

  • Friday from 15:45 to 17:45
    at Dipartimento di psicologia generale Via Venezia 8, 5° piano
    Telefono: 049-827-6678 e-mail:


Le prime pubblicazioni risalgono agli anni 80; qui vengono riportate alcune delle più recenti e delle più significative:
- Zucco, G.M., Herz, R.S., Schaal, B. (a cura di, 2012) Olfactory Cognition: from Perception and Memory to Environmental Odours and Neuroscience. John Benjamins Publisher, Amsterdam.
- Zucco, G.M.,Baroni, M.R., Roncato S. (2012), Elementi di Psicologia Generale. Milano, Mc Graw H.
- - Zucco, G.M., Schaal, B., Olsson M.J., Croy, I. (a cura di, 2014), Applied Olfactory Cognition. Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, 5, 1-2.
- Richardson J., Zucco G. (1989), Cognition and Olfaction: A Review. Psychol. Bulletin, 105, 352-360
- Zucco G., Tressoldi P. (1989), Hemispheric differences in odour recognition. Cortex,4, 607-615.
- Logie R., Zucco G., Baddeley A. (1990),Interference with visual short-term memory. Acta
Psychologica, 75, 55-74
- Zucco G. (2003), Anomalies in cognition: olfactory memory. European Psychologist, 3, 77-86.
-Zucco G., Ingegneri G. (2004), Olfactory deficits in HIV-infected patients with and without AIDS Dementia Complex. Physiology and Behavior, 80, 5, 669-674.
-Zucco G., Amodio, P., Gatta A. (2006), Olfactory deficits in patients affected by Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy. Chemical Senses, 31, 3, 273-278
-Zucco G.M., Militello C., Doty R. (2008), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A Case Study Report. Neurocase, 14, 6, 485-493.
-Zucco G.M. Paolini M., Schaal B. (2009), Unconscious odor conditioning twenty years after: ‘Revisiting and extending Kirk-Smith, Van Toller and Dodd’. Learning and Motivation, 40, 4, 364-375.
- Zucco G. M. (2011), Olfactory performance assessed via a new odour recognition test. Reliability and normative data. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 1-7.
- Zucco G.M., Bollini F. (2011), Odour recognition memory and odour identification in patients with mild and severe major depressive disorders. Psychiatry Research 190, 217-220.
- Zucco G.M., Aiello L., Turuani L., Köster E.P. (2012), Odour Autobiographical memory: Age and gender differences along the life span. Chemical Senses, 37, 179-189.
- Zucco G.M., Prior M., Sartori G., Stevenson R.J. (2013), Odour perception following bilateral damage to the olfactory bulbs: A possible case of blind smell. Cortex, 49, 599-604.
- Zucco G.M., Hummel T., Tomaiuolo F., Stevenson R.J. (2014), The influence of STM on standard discrimination and cued identification olfactory tasks. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 222, 138-141
- Zucco, G.M., Priftis, K., Stevenson, R.J. (2015), From blindsight to blindsmell: a mini review. Translational Neuroscience, 6, 8-12.
- Zucco, G.M., Rovatti, F., Stevenson, R.J. (2015), Olfactory Asymmetric Dysfunction in Early Parkinson Patients Affected by Unilateral Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, 6.
- Croy, I., Zehner, C., Larsson, M., Zucco, G.M., Hummel,T. (2015), Test–Retest Reliability and Validity of the Sniffin’ TOM Odor Memory Test. Chemical Senses, 40, 173-179.
- Zucco, G.M., Carletti, A., Stevenson, R.J. (2016), Olfactory dysfunction in sports players following moderate and severe head injury: a possible cut-off from normality to pathology. Journal of Sport Medicine and Therapy,1, 1-5.
- Zucco, G.M., Maccalli,IA., Mondini, S. (2017), Odour Recognition Memory and Odour Identification in Normal Elderly and Alzheimer’s Disease Patients. EC Neurology, 6,1, 10-17

Thesis proposals

Olfaction: Perception and memory for odors, Neuropsychology, Neurodegenerative diseases and olfaction.