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LIBERO VITIELLO, Curriculum Vitae

Present address: Department of Biology
University of Padova


Jul. 1988: Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Padova, final evaluation: Summa cum Laude. Title of the thesis: "Deletion mutations of the DMD-BMD locus: screening by molecular intragenic probes”.

Nov. 1989 to Sept. 1993: Ph.D. student in the “Genetic Sciences” joint program between University of Ferrara and University of Padova. Title of the thesis: "Mutation analysis in coding and regulative sequences of the human dystrophin gene”.


Nov. 1993 to Dec. 1996: Post-Doctoral fellow in Dr. Ron Worton laboratory at the Department of Genetics of the Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto), working on the project "Liposome-mediated gene therapy of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy". Collaboration, involving frequent visits, with the Liposome Research Unit of the University of British Columbia and with INEX Pharmaceuticals Inc., Vancouver.
Dec. 1996 to Sept 1998: Researcher funded by Telethon Italia, at the Center for Innovative Biotechnologies of the University of Padua.
Sept 1998 to Aug. 2020: Researcher and Assistant Professor at the University of Padova, working at the Department of Biology.
Aug 2013 to Sept 2014: Visiting Scientist at the Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering of the University of Toronto.
Sept. 2020 to present: Associate Professore at Department of Biology, university of Padova


Use of monoamine oxidases inhibitors and of anti oxidant molecules as therapeutic agents in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Use of in vivo murine models to study the pathogenic mechanisms of causative mutations in inherited Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy.

Use of 3D muscle construct for the correction of congenital ano-rectal malformations.


Office hours

  • at Dipartimento di Biologia, Complesso Vallisneri, secondo piano sud stanza 5
    Gli appuntamenti vanno concordati preventivamente via email


1. Gasparella F, Nogara L, Germinario E, Tibaudo L, Ciciliot S, Piccoli G, Venegas FC, Fontana F, Sales G, Sabbatini D, Foot J, Jarolimek W, Blaauw B, Canton M, Vitiello L. A Novel MAO-B/SSAO Inhibitor Improves Multiple Aspects of Dystrophic Phenotype in mdx Mice. Antioxidants (Basel). 2024 May 21;13(6):622. doi: 10.3390/antiox13060622. PMID: 38929061; PMCID: PMC11201281.

2. Gorza L, Germinario E, Vitadello M, Guerra I, De Majo F, Gasparella F, Caliceti P, Vitiello L, Danieli-Betto D. Curcumin Administration Improves Force of mdx Dystrophic Diaphragm by Acting on Fiber-Type Composition, Myosin Nitrotyrosination and SERCA1 Protein Levels. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 May 30;12(6):1181. doi: 10.3390/antiox12061181.

3. Elia I, Realini G, Di Mauro V, Borghi S, Bottoni L, Tornambè S, Vitiello L, Weiss S, Chiariello M, Tamburrini A, Oliviero S, Neri F, Orlandini M, Galvagni F. SNAI1 is upregulated during muscle regeneration and represses FGF21 and ATF3 expression by directly binding their promoters. FASEB Journal 2022 Jul;36(7):e22401. doi: 10.1096/fj.202200215R

4. Franzoso M., Dokshokova L., Vitiello L., Zaglia T., Mongillo, M. Tuning the Consonance of Microscopic Neuro-Cardiac Interactions Allows the Heart Beats to Play Countless Genres. Frontiers in Physiology 2022, 13; doi:10.3389/fphys.2022.841740

5. Gasparotto, M., Bellet, P., Scapin, G., Busetto, R., Rampazzo, C., Vitiello, L., Shah, D.I., Filippini, F. 3D Printed Graphene-PLA Scaffolds Promote Cell Alignment and Differentiation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022, 23 (3), art. no. 1736

6. Gorza, L., Germinario, E., Tibaudo, L., Vitadello, M., Tusa, C., Guerra, I., Bondì, M., Salmaso, S., Caliceti, P., Vitiello, L., Danieli-Betto, D. Chronic systemic curcumin administration antagonizes murine sarcopenia and presarcopenia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, 22 (21), art. no. 11789

7. Schreurs J, Sacchetto C, Colpaert RMW,Vitiello L, Rampazzo A, Calore M. Recent advances in crispr/cas9-based genome editing tools for cardiac diseases. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, Volume 22, Issue 20, Article number 985

8. Ebrahimi M, Lad H, Fusto A, Tiper K, Datye A, Nguyen CT, Jacques E, Moyle LA, Nguyen T, Musgrave B, Chavez-Madero C, Bigot A, Chen C, Turner S, Stewart BA, Pegoraro E, Vitiello L and Gilbert PM. De novo revertant fiber formation and therapy testing in a 3D culture model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy skeletal muscle. Acta Biomaterialia 2021, 132, pp. 227–244

9. Costantini M, Testa S, Fornetti E, Fuoco C, Sanchez Riera C, Nie M, Bernardini S, Rainer A, Baldi J, Zoccali C, Biagini R, Castagnoli L, Vitiello L, Blaauw B, Seliktar D, Święszkowski W, Garstecki P, Takeuchi S, Cesareni G, Cannata S, Gargioli C. Biofabricating murine and human myo-substitutes for rapid volumetric muscle loss restoration. EMBO Mol Med. 2021 Feb 15:e12778.

10. Sacchetto C*, Vitiello L*, de Windt LJ, Rampazzo A, Calore M. Modeling cardiovascular diseases with hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes in 2D and 3D cultures. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020 21(9): article number 3404

11. Urciuolo A, Serena E, Ghua R, Zatti S, Giomo M, Mattei N Vetralla M, Selmin G, Luni C, Vitulo N, Valle G, Vitiello L*, Elvassore N*. Engineering a 3D in vitro model of human skeletal muscle at the single fiber scale. PLoS One, 2020 15(5): e0232081.