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Graduate in Mathematics, 16/11/1976, at the University of Padua; there professor of Mathematics for the Economic Applications since 1/11/95; previously research fellow (University of Padova, since 1/8/80) and professor of Financial Mathematics (University "Ca' Foscari" of Venice, since 29/9/87). Author of more than 70 papers and scientific reports, a relevant number of which published in international journals. He has been the scientific director of a CNR research project, of some local research projects and coordinator of a national (PRIN) research project. Referee for national and international journals and, on MIUR (MURST) behalf, for national research projects (1998, 2002, 2004); reviewer for Mathematical Reviews, associate editor of J. of Information and Optimization Sciences, member of the Executive Board of the International Society of Dynamic Games (2008 to 2012) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES) (2008 to 2012), president of AMASES since 2017. His research activity mainly focuses on some applications of Mathematics to problems in Economics and Management Science, using knowledge of Optimal Control Theory, Mathematical Programming, Probability and Random Processes, Game Theory. Now, he focuses on applications of Optimal Control, Mathematical Programming and Game Theory to Marketing. From the year 2008 to 2014 he has been the director of the Department of Mathematics, University of Padua.


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 11:00 to 13:00
    at Dipartimento di Matematica, piano 6, ufficio 636
    consigliato appuntamento via email

Thesis proposals

An advertising differential game with negative competitor’s interference

Well-posedness in linear-state differential games

Different equilibrium concepts in game theory and biological applications

Vertical cooperative advertising model: a new game theoretic approach