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Professore Associato





2003: Ph.D. in Genetics, University of Ferrara (Italy).
1999: degree in Biology (Bimolecular area), University of Padova.

Positions and employment
2000-2003: Ph.D. student in Genetic Sciences, University of Ferrara.
2003-2007: Post-Doctoral researcher, Department of Biology, University of Padova
2008: visiting scientist at the Department of Genetics, unit INSERM U679, Institut Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris (France).
2007-2019: Assistant Professor (SSD BIO/13), Department of Biology University of Padova
2019-present: Associate Professor (SSD BIO/13), Department of Biology University of Padova

Organizing and coordinating activities
2009-2010: member of the commission for the curriculum in Biology
2013-2020: member of the commission “orientamento” (CCS of Molecular Biology)
2016-2019: member of the TTO commission of the Department of Biology.
2013-: member of the commission for the final exam (CCS of Molecular Biology)

Teaching activities
- A.A. 2001-2002 e 2002-2003: Assistant (12 hours), course of “Human Genetics”, Master in Psicology, University of Padova.
- A.A. 2003-2004 e 2004-2005: Assistant (12 hours), course of “Human Genetics”, Master in “Scienze Psicologiche Cognitive e Psicobiologiche”, University of Padova.
- A.A. 2003-2004 e 2004-2005: Assistant (25 hours), course of “Human molecular genetics and laboratory of human molecular genetics”, Master in “Biologia Sanitaria”, University of Padova.
- A.A. 2005-2006: course of “Human Molecular Genetics and Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics” (5+3 CFU), Master in “Biologia Sanitaria”, University of Padova.
- A.A. 2007-2008: assistant (64 hours), course of “Human Molecular Genetics and Laboratory of Human Molecular Genetics” (5+4 CFU), Master in “Biologia Sanitaria”, University of Padova.
- A.A 2008-2009, 2009-2010 e 2014-2015: course of “Biotechnologies” (5+1CFU), Master in “Biologia Evoluzionistica”, University of Padova.
- A.A. 2012-2013: 2 CFU of “Applied Biology” within the course of “Biology and Biochemistry”, Bachelor in “Ostetricia”, University of Padova.
- A.A 2011-2024: course of “Forensic Genetics” (5+1 CFU), Master in “Biologia Sanitaria”, University of Padova.
- A.A 2014-2024: 3 CFU within the course of “Genetics”, Master in “Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell’Educazione”, University of Padova.

Undergraduate student instructor and tutor of Bachelor and Master degree thesis for Molecular Biology curriculum.


Office hours

  • at Dipartimento di Biologia, Laboratorio di Genetica Umana, 2 piano sud, complesso Vallisneri
    Contattare il docente per appuntamento


Publications are available at this link:

Research Area

Research interests:

- Identification and functional characterization of genes associated to human hereditary diseases involving central and peripheral nervous system.

- Molecular characterization of genes causing morpho-functional alterations of mobile cilia in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD)

- Identification of genetic factors predisposing to for familial papillary thyroid cancer (PTC)

- Improvement of models and methods for forensic DNA phenotyping. Prediction of eye, hair and skin color using SNP genotypes.

Thesis proposals

- Identification of genes involved in familial papillary thyroid cancer.

- Improvement of models for forensic eye and hair color prediction (forensic DNA phenotyping) in collaboration with Scientific Division of Carabinieri (RIS) of Parma.