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    at Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, stanza 261
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Mencarini L., Pahilé A., Solaz A. and Tanturri M.L. (2017), The time benefits of young adult home stayers in France and Italy: A new perspective on the transition to adulthood?, Genus, 73(1), DOI: 10.1186/s41118-017-0021-7
2. Vignoli D., Tanturri M.L. and F. Acciai (2016), Home bitter home? Gender, living arrangements, and the exclusion from homeownership among older Europeans, Genus, December 2016, 72:9
3. Tanturri M.L. (2016), Aging Italy: Low fertility and social rigidities. In R. Rindfuss and M.K. Choe (Eds.), Low fertility, Institutions and Their Policies: Variations across Industrialized Countries, Springer, ISBN 9783319329970
4. Racioppi F., Rettaroli R., Strozza S. and Tanturri M.L. (2015), An introduction (to the Thematic Issue), Genus, 71, 2-3, “The Legacy of Corrado Gini in Population Studies”, Thematic Issue.
5. Tanturri M.L. and E. Ruspini (2015), Italy, in M. A. Adler and K. Lenz (Eds.), Father Involvement In The Early Years. An international comparison of policy and practice, Ch. 3, pp. 96-126, Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN: 9781447318996
6. Tanturri M.L. (2013), Why fewer babies? Understanding and responding to low fertility in Europe, in Abela A. and J. Walker (eds), Contemporary Issues In Family Studies: Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World, Chichester (UK), John Wiley and Sons, pp. 136-150, ISBN: 978-1-1199-7103-0.
7. Anxo D., Mencarini L., Pailhé A., Solaz A., Tanturri M.L., Flood L. (2011), Gender Differences in Time use over the Life Course in France, Italy, Sweden and the US, Feminist Economics, v. 17, n. 3, July 2011, pp.159-195, ISSN: 1354-5701.
8. Nicoletti C. e Tanturri M.L. (2008), Differences in Delaying Motherhood across European Countries: Empirical Evidence from the ECHP, European Journal of Population, v. 24, n. 2, June 2006, pp. 157-183, ISSN: 0168-6577
9. Tanturri M.L. e Mencarini L. (2008), Childless or childfree?. Paths to voluntary childlessness in Italy, Population and Development Review, 34, 1, March, pp. 51-77, ISSN: 0098-7921
10. Mills M., Mencarini L., Tanturri M.L. e Begall K. (2008), Gender equity and fertility intentions in Italy and the Netherlands, Demographic Research, 18, 1,, ISSN: 1435-9871, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2008.18.1.
11. Mencarini L. e Tanturri M.L. (2006), High Fertility or Childlessness: Micro-Level Determinants of Reproductive Behaviour in Italy, Population, English edition, 61, 4-2006, pp. 389-416, ISSN: 1634-2941
12. Seghieri C., De Santis G. e Tanturri M.L (2006), The richer, the happier? An empirical investigation in selected European countries, Journal of Social Indicators Research, Publisher Springer Netherlands, V. 79, N. 3, December, DOI 10.1007/s11205-005-5394-x, pp. 455-476, Online Date: Friday, May 12, 2006, ISSN: 0303-8300 (I.F. 0,61).

Research Area

My research interests fall broadly into the areas of low fertility and its socio-economic determinants, with special regards to the relationship between gender role-set, time use and reproductive behaviour.

I worked intensively on the micro-determinant of childlessness, as well.

I am also interested in assessing the socioeconomic conditions of the old population across Europe and their wellbeing.

Thesis proposals

- Childlessness in Italy and in Europe. Trend, determinamts, attitudes.
- Childless men and women: characteristics and determinants
- Childlessness in social media.

- Low fertility: determinants, causes and trends.

- Assisted Reproductive Techniques: determinants, trends and outcomes

- Climate change and reproductive behaviour
- Macro shocks and reproductive behaviour

- Time use and wellbeing in old age

- Gender role-set and time use