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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010




Eng. Iacopo Tamellin was born in 1993 in Soave (VR); Italy.

Education and Qualifications
2021.03 Ph.D. in Mechatronics and Product Innovation Engineering, curriculum: Mechatronics, SSD ING-IND/13, from the University of Padova.
2019.02 Industrial Engineer national habilitation.
2017.09 Master Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, with honors, from the University of Padova.
2015.09 Bachelor Degree in Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, curriculum: Mechatronics, from the University of Padova.

Academic Positions
2022.01 - present Researcher (RTD-A) at Department of Management and Engineering (DTG), University of Padova, ING-IND/13.
2020.10 - 2022.01 Post-doctoral researcher (Research grant) at Department of Management and Engineering (DTG), University of Padova, SSD ING-IND/13.

Academic Teaching
2020.10 - present More than 5 courses taught, on different topics related to the SSD ING-IND/13, at graduate and undergraduate level, as professor and teaching assistant.
Currently taught course:
-"Simulation of Multibody Systems" (SSD ING-IND/13), Bachelor Degree in Product Innovation Engineering, Department of Management and Engineering (DTG), University of Padova.
- "Logic and Motion of Automatic Machines" (SSD ING-IND/13), Master Degree in Mechatronic Engineering, Department of Management and Engineering (DTG), University of Padova.

Publications and Conference Participations
• Author or co-author of several international journal and conference paper related to the SSD ING-IND/13 (Scopus profile:, ORCID profile:
• Speaker at 4 international conferences related to the SSD ING-IND/13.

Chief Professional Services
2022.01 - present Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal “Shock and Vibration”, Hindawi Publishing Corporation.
2021.06 - present Guest Editor of the international journal “Applied Sciences”, MDPI in the Special Issue: "Active and Passive Approaches to Vibration Control in Flexible Mechanical Systems".
• Invited peer reviewer for several international ISI/SCOPUS journals.

International Research Collaborations
• Research collaboration in the topic: “Vibration control in systems with Time-Delay” with Prof. Josè Mario Araujo (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia, Brasile) and Prof. Carlos Eduardo Trabuco Dórea (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasile)
• Research collaboration in the topic: “Stability and accuracy in explicit co-simulation schemes” with Doctor Francisco Javier González Varela (University of A Coruña) and Eng. Borja Rodríguez Frade (University of A Coruña)


Office hours

  • at presso l'ufficio del docente o in laboratorio
    prenotazione su appuntamento:


The list of the publications is available at the following links:

Research Area

The main research topics are:
- vibration mechanics
- simulation of multibody system
- motion planning
- machine learning for mechatronic systems
- design and programming of automatic machines
- development of control schemes for mechatronic systems
- co-simulation and digital twins

Thesis proposals

Several thesis (bachelor and master) are to be developed with industrial partners or in the university laboratory are available.
The topic can be discussed on appointment to be reserver sending an e-mail: