Address book
Professoressa Ordinaria

Affiliation: Dept. of Biology
Position: Full Professor at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova, Italy (
Education and academic career:
07/1988 M.Sc. in Biology and Chemistry - Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest, Hungary
1989-1994 Ph.D. student at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padova
1992 Short-term EMBO fellow at Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland
10/1994 Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Pathology, University of Padova, Italy
1995-1996: EMBO postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Physiology of the University of Tuebingen
1997-1998: Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Padova
1998-2004: Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova
Since 01/2005 Associate Professor in Biochemistry at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova
Since 01/2017 Full Professor in Biochemistry at the Department of Biology, Univ.Padova
Since 2012: Editorial Board Member of Scientific Reports of NPG
Since 2013: Associate Member of the Iontrac International Training Network
2014: Co-Editor of a Special Issue of Cell Calcium
2014: Associate Member of the Institute of Neuroscience (CNR)
2015: Vice-Chair of a new Gordon Conference on Intracellular Ion Channels and Transporters, Bentley, USA
2016: Co-Chair of the International Biophysics School on Photosynthesis, Venice, Italy
2017: Chair Gordon Conference on Intracellular Ion Channels and Transporters, Vermont, USA
1995-1996: EMBO long-term fellowship
2000: CNR Young Investigator Grant
2002: selected as EMBO Young Investigator.
From 2005: selected and acting as expert evaluator for Marie-Curie fellowships of EEC.
2011: selected as member of Top Italian Scientists (H factor>30)
2014: habilitation for Full Professorship in Biochemistry and in Plant Physiology
International collaborations:
E. Gulbins (Essen, Germany), N. Uozumi (Tohuku, Japan), F. Lang (Tuebingen, Germany), KG. Chandy (Irvine, USA), H. Kalthoff (Kiel, Germany) G. Finazzi (Grenoble, France), R. Wagner (Osnabrueck, Germany), E. Szegezdi (Galway, Ireland), T. Shikanai (Kyoto, Japan), C. Spetea (Gothenburg, Sweden), C. Chang (Berkeley, USA).
Grants as coordinator:
National grants of the Italian Ministry (2007, 2009, 2011), Young Investigator Grant of the CNR (2000) EMBO Young Investigator Grant (2003), University of Padova Grants (2008, 2010, 2012, 2014), Italian Association for Cancer Research (2007, 2011, 2014, 2017). Human Frontiers Science Program (2015).
Co-author of 138 peer-reviewed papers. Total citation: 12437 (Google Scholar).
H factor: 50
Office hours
Tuesday from 11:30 to 12:30
at Vallisneri, VI.piano Sud
L'orario riguarda solo l'anno accademico 2018/2019.
- BIOENERGETICS, AA 2024 (SCQ3104760)
- BIOENERGETICS, AA 2023 (SCQ3104760)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2022 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2022 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2021 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2021 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2020 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2020 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2020 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2019 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2019 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2019 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2018 (SCP8085067)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2018 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2018 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2017 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2017 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2016 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2016 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2015 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2015 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2014 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2014 (SCP4067772)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2013 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2013 (SCM0018099)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2012 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY, AA 2011 (SCN1028730)
- BIOCHEMISTRY 2, AA 2011 (SCM0018099)
Selected publications
Leanza L, Romio M, Becker KA, Azzolini M, Trentin L, Managò A, Venturini E,
Zaccagnino A, Mattarei A, Carraretto L, Urbani A, Kadow S, Biasutto L, Martini V,
Severin F, Peruzzo R, Trimarco V, Egberts JH, Hauser C, Visentin A, Semenzato G,
Kalthoff H, Zoratti M, Gulbins E, Paradisi C, Szabo I. Direct Pharmacological
Targeting of a Mitochondrial Ion Channel Selectively Kills Tumor Cells In Vivo.
Cancer Cell. 2017 Apr 10;31(4):516-531
Teardo E, Carraretto L, Wagner S, Formentin E, Behera S, De Bortoli S, Larosa
V, Fuchs P, Lo Schiavo F, Raffaello A, Rizzuto R, Costa A, Schwarzländer M, Szabò
I. Physiological Characterization of a Plant Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter in
Vitro and in Vivo. Plant Physiol. 2017 Feb;173(2):1355-1370.
Herdean A, Teardo E, Nilsson AK, Pfeil BE, Johansson ON, Ünnep R, Nagy G,
Zsiros O, Dana S, Solymosi K, Garab G, Szabó I, Spetea C, Lundin B. A
voltage-dependent chloride channel fine-tunes photosynthesis in plants. Nat
Commun. 2016 May 24;7:11654
Wagner S, Behera S, De Bortoli S, Logan DC, Fuchs P, Carraretto L, Teardo E,
Cendron L, Nietzel T, Füßl M, Doccula FG, Navazio L, Fricker MD, Van Aken O,
Finkemeier I, Meyer AJ, Szabò I, Costa A, Schwarzländer M. The EF-Hand Ca2+
Binding Protein MICU Choreographs Mitochondrial Ca2+ Dynamics in Arabidopsis.
Plant Cell. 2015 Nov;27(11):3190-212.
Szabò I., Zoratti M. Mitochondrial channels: ion fluxes and more.
Physiol. Rev. 2014, 94(2): 519-608.
Carraretto L., Formentin E., Teardo E., Checchetto V., Tomizioli M., Morosinotto T., Giacometti G.M., Finazzi G., Szabò I.A thylakoid-located two-pore potassium channel controls photosynthetic light utilization in plants.
Science 2013, 342: 114-8.
Checchetto V., Segalla A., Allorent G., La Rocca N., Leanza L., Giacometti G.M., Uozumi N., Finazzi G., Bergantino E., Szabò I.A thylakoid potassium channel is required for efficient photosynthesis in cyanobacteria.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2012, 109: 11043-8.
Leanza L., Henry B., Sassi N., Zoratti M., Chandy K.G., Gulbins E., Szabò I.
Inhibitors of mitochondrial Kv1.3 channels induce Bax/Bak-independent death of cancer cells.
EMBO Molecular Medicine 2012, 4: 577-93.
De Stefani D., Raffaello A., Teardo E., Szabò I., Rizzuto R.
A forty-kilodalton protein of the inner membrane is the mitochondrial calcium uniporter.
Nature 2011, 476: 336-40.
Szabò I., Lepple-Wienhues A., Kaba K.N., Zoratti M., Gulbins E., Lang F.Tyrosine kinase dependent activation of a chloride channel in CD95-induced apoptosis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1998, 95: 6169-74.
Zoratti M., Szabò I.
The mitochondrial permeability transition.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1995, 1241: 139-76.
Thesis proposals
The study of ion channel function in relation to stress in plants and to tumor progression in animals. The used techniques comprise those of biochemistry, biophyisics, molecular biology, cell biology and in vivo experiments.