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Giuseppe Spolaore is associate professor of Philosophy and Theory of Languages (M-FIL/05) at the University of Padua, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education, and Applied Psychology. He received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the university of Padua in 2006. He has been senior researcher at the university of Padua, research fellow at the universities of Verona and Trieste, and lecturer at the universities of Padua (teachings: logic, semiotics) and Verona (logic, philosophy of language). He is habilitated as associate professor in Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Languages (ASN 2012, 2017) and in Logic and the History and Philosophy of Science (ASN 2013). He is member of the committee of the Ph.D. program in Philosophy of the university of Padua. His main interests are in the philosophy of language, logic, metaphysics and formal epistemology. He published three books and about forty essays, many of which in international peer-review journals, including Analysis, Philosophical Quarterly, Synthese, Erkenntnis, Inquiry, Dialectica, Monist, Theoria, Philosophia, Logique et analyse, and Thought. He presented many of his works in national and international conferences.

Full CV in the attached file.


My office hours will not be held in the period from Dec 18 to Jan 8

Office hours

  • Monday from 14:30 to 16:15
    at Palazzo Capitanio, piano 1 ufficio 36; ID Zoom 3355421119
    Vi prego di preavvertirmi via email ( se intendete partecipare al ricevimento. È possibile collegarsi anche via zoom all'ID 3355421119. Nei mesi di luglio-agosto i ricevimenti avranno generalmente luogo solo su Zoom.



“Predicative subject matter”, Philosophical Studies, 181 (2024), pp. 247–265 (with M. Plebani).
“Taste fragmentalism”, Erkenntnis, online first, DOI: 10.1093/pq/pqaa054 (with S. Iaquinto, G. Torrengo).
“Subject matter: a modest proposal”, Philosophical Quarterly, 71, 3 (2021), pp. 605–622 (with M. Plebani).
“The future ain’t what it used to be. Strengthening the case for mutable futurism”, Synthese (2021), online first (with G. Andreoletti).
“A philosophically neutral semantics for perception sentences”, Theoria (2021), online first (with S. Iaquinto).
“The actual future is open”, Erkenntnis, 85, 1 (2020), pp. 99–119 (with F. Gallina).
“Outline of a logic of knowledge of acquaintance”, Analysis, 79, 1 (2019), pp. 52–61 (with S. Iaquinto).
“The moving spotlight(s)”, Inquiry (2019), online first (with G. Torrengo).
“Out of nothing”, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 7 (2018), pp. 132–138, DOI 10.1002/tht3.274 (with D. Sgaravatti).
“Michelangelo’s puzzle”, Philosophia, 46, 2 (2018), pp. 453–464, DOI 10.- 1007/-s11406-017-9940-y (with P. Giaretta).
“Gunky time and indeterminate existence”, Manuscrito, 40, 1 (2017), 81–86.
“Agency and fictional truth”, Synthese, 192, 5 (2015), pp. 1235–1265.
“Transcendental disagreement”, The Monist, 97, 4 (2014), pp. 592–620 (with G. Lando).
“A paradoxical challenge”, The Reasoner, 8, 12 (2014), p. 131 (with M. Plebani).
“Not just a coincidence. Conditional counter-examples to Locke’s thesis”, Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 1, 2 (2012), pp. 108–115.
“Validity and effectiveness of ambiguity: a famous argument by Socrates”, Argumentation, 26, 2 (2012), pp. 393– 407 (with P. Giaretta).
“Knowability principle and disjunction property”, Logique et Analyse, 209 (2010), pp. 9–23 (with P. Giaretta).

Fiction, Time, and Agency. An Essay on the Language and Logic of Fiction-Making, Cleup, Padova 2012.
Logos in fabula. Un’indagine filosofica sui personaggi fittizi, Mimesis, Milano 2009.
Esistenza e identità. Temi di logica filosofica, Mimesis, Milano 2008 (with a chapter written by P. Giaretta).

Research Area

Topics in the philosophy of language: reference, formal semantics, discourse semantics, semantics of fiction and fictional contexts, relative truth, the contextualism-relativism debate, tense semantics. Topics in logic and the philosophy of logic: tense-modal logics, formal semantics, formal epistemology, the logic of action. Topics in metaphysics: ontology of fiction, common sense metaphysics, the philosophy of time and temporal experience.

Thesis proposals

Philosophy: topics in the philosophy of language and mind, in metaphysics and in formal semantics. You can check the webpage to get an idea of my research interests.

Communication: topics in semiotics and the pragmatics of language.