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Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. B L. 240/2010





Researcher in Veterinary Parasitology and Animal Parasitic Diseases at the Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health. She graduated in 2004 in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Padua, then she spent some years in different veterinary practices to improve her clinical and surgical skills in pet animal medicine. Contemporarily, she improved her academic knowledge by attending a Master's in Veterinary International Cooperation and a post-graduate school in Animal Health, Breeding and Farm Production at the University of Padua. She worked in Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie where she developed her interests in the parasitology field and where she was involved in research projects on emerging and re-emerging vector-borne parasitic diseases. In 2016 she graduated with a PhD in Veterinary Science with a thesis on “Parasitic diseases in pet animals and risks for human health”. Since 2018 she has been a researcher and her main interests concern parasitic diseases of pet animals. Her research ranges from epidemiological studies on helminths and protozoa, with particular interest in those with zoonotic potential, to the assessment of new molecular procedures for the detection of parasites. She is the author of more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed international and national journals. She is responsible for the module “Parasitology and parasitic diseases management" in the Course “Infectious and parasitic diseases" for the Degree in Scienze Tecnico-Assistenziali Veterinarie (STAV) and for the module "Parasitic zoonoses" in the Course "Food-borne zoonoses" for the Degree in Food Safety(SIA).


Office hours

  • at Agripolis, Edificio Stecca 1, Primo Piano, corridoio ovest
    Ricevimento previo appuntamento via e-mail

Research Area

Parasitic diseases in pet animals
Vector-borne parasitic diseases in pet animals
Diagnosis of parasitic diseases
Treatment and prophylaxis of parasitic diseases in pet animals
Parasitic zoonoses in human-pet animals interaction