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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010





Andrea Sciandra is assistant professor in social statistics at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (University of Padova). He has a master’s degree in Statistics for Demographic and Social Sciences and a PhD in Sociology and Social Research. His main research interests include social media, text mining, social network analysis, Large Language Models, and machine learning techniques applied to social sciences. He was a lecturer in the PhD in Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance and in the Summer Schools 'IQLA-GIAT in Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data', and 'Social Statistics'. He is currently a member of: the Italian Statistical Society (SIS), the GIAT network (Interdisciplinary Text Analysis Group), and the '' discussion panel on Statistical Methods for Textual Data Analysis (SIS group "SDS - Statistics & Data Science"). He previously cooperated with the SWG research institute in Trieste and was co-founder of Rante, the first Italian R User Group.


Office hours

  • Thursday from 15:00 to 17:00


Sciandra, A., Trevisani, M, & Tuzzi, A. (2024). Temporal trends and presidential traits in the Italian end-of-year addresses: comparing and contrasting KBS and STM results. Quality & Quantity.

Brondi, S., Neresini, F. & Sciandra, A. (2024). What does the word “science” evoke? Social representation of science, evaluative elements, and attitude. Quality & Quantity.

Ferretti, R., Rubaltelli, E., & Sciandra, A. (2023). Analysts’ Recommendations and Press Sentiment: Complementary or Alternative to Drive Investors’ Trading Behavior?, Journal of Behavioral Finance.

Neresini F, Giardullo P, Di Buccio E, Morsello B, Cammozzo A, Sciandra A, & Boscolo M. (2023) When scientific experts come to be media stars: An evolutionary model tested by analysing coronavirus media coverage across Italian newspapers. PLOS ONE 18(4): e0284841.

Martini, M. C., Pelle, E., Poggi, F., & Sciandra, A. (2022). The role of citation networks to explain academic promotions: an empirical analysis of the Italian national scientific qualification. Scientometrics, 127(10), 5633-5659.

Brondi, S., Neresini, F., & Sciandra, A. (2022). The social representation of nanotechnologies and its relationships with those of science and technology: Making familiar the unfamiliar between enthusiasm and caution. Journal of Risk Research, 25(1), 113-137.

Crabu, S., Giardullo, P., Sciandra, A., & Neresini, F. (2021). Politics overwhelms science in the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from the whole coverage of the Italian quality newspapers. PloS one, 16(5), e0252034.

Sciandra, A., Surian, A., & Finos, L. (2021). Supervised machine learning methods to disclose action and information in “UN 2030 agenda” social media data. Social Indicators Research, 156(2), 689-699.

Sciandra, A. (2020), COVID-19 Outbreak through Tweeters' Words: Monitoring Italian Social Media Communication about COVID-19 with Text Mining and Word Embeddings, in 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Rennes, France, 2020 pp. 1-6.

Surian, A., & Sciandra, A. (2019). Digital divide: addressing Internet skills. Educational implications in the validation of a scale. Research in Learning Technology, 27.

Research Area

Social Research Methodology:
Statistical Learning for Social Sciences
Text Mining & Opinion Analysis
Social Network Analysis
Topic Modelling
Stance Detection
Large Language Models

Sociology/Social Sciences:
Social Media
Poverty and Social Exclusion
Internet Skills
Social Capital
Civil Culture

Thesis proposals

Social Media and Initial Public Offering: analysis of the Italian case since 2010.

Analysis of the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) natural language model and comparison with related techniques in the R environment.

R functions and libraries for text mining in Italian.

Financial sentiment in social media.

PNRR monitoring: methodologies and indicators.

Indicators for sustainable development (SDS - agenda2030).

Recent trends in Stance Detection.

Strategies for detecting AI-written text.