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Professore Ordinario





Full professor of “Urban Design and Planning” (ssd ICAR/20) and works at the University of Padua, at the DICEA – Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering (DICEA).
Graduated in Urban Planning at the IUAV of Venice (1987), PhD in Planning (1995), he carried out research activities mainly (from 1990 to 2004) training at IUAV of Venice, collaborating in several researches on: Veneto, Venice and more specifically on the dynamics of the transformation of the settlement systems and on the processes of redevelopment of the city. Associate Professor in 2003, his academic career started on 2004 the University of Messina. In 2013 he moved to the University of Padua at the DICEA. In 2014 he received the Italian Certification for tenured Full Professorship by unanimous judgment of the commission and in 2018 he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Padua.
In Feb. 2022, he was elected Coordinator of the Scientific area nr. 9 (Civil Engineering and Architecture) for 2020-24 and joined the University of Padua Scientific Commission as Representative of Area nr. 9.
Since Feb. 2022, he has been appointed Chair of the ICEA Departmental Commission for Projects and Grants (CDPA) called to the allocation of research fundings.
Since 2016 (XXXII Cycle) he is member of the Board of Professors of the PhD program in “Architectural and Urban Planning Engineering” at the University "La Sapienza", Rome.
Since September 2018 he is member of the Board of Directors of the INU Veneto (INU regional board), performing also the role of Secretary of the Board in the biennium 2018-2020.
Since 2007 he is Co-Director of the journal Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali, a of territorial studies [ISSN 0004-0177, ISSNe 1971-8519], since 2017 indexed by SCOPUS and since 2010 recognized as a Class A journal by ANVUR.
His scientific research pays great attention to regeneration of the contemporary city, analyzing characters and contents of urban projects and policies and critically focusing on the impacts of social, economic and political processes that cause urban decay. From the critical reflection he developed a specific interest in the forms of innovation of urban intervention, especially as a possible solution to the disruptive effects of the recent crisis and as an essential strategy to implement the new paradigms of sustainability and resilience.
As a natural consequence of the position acquired at the Department of Civil Engineering (DICEA) at University of Padua, his research activity has turned to the survey and the critical analysis of the forms of territorial organization and of the social and economic processes that determine their transformations, with a focus on the formation of metropolitan areas in Italy. His research activity privileges the Veneto region, the areas affected by phenomena of intense urbanization “at low density” (which were topics of great importance in his training period) and then the changes occurring in a context in strong transition.
A specific field of research developed in parallel over the years is the analysis and the critical interpretation of the social, economic, cultural, urban planning relationships between the city and the university, exploring the role of the latter in the processes of urban organization and as an actor of urban policies. On this specific topic he has carried out several researches, published many essays and participated in national and international conferences.


Office hours

  • Thursday from 14:00 to 16:00
    at DICEA - sede ex DAUR, Via Fr. Marzolo, 9 - Studio II piano
    Si prega di concordare sempre l’appuntamento con il docente via e-mail, soprattutto nell'eventualità di un incontro al di fuori del giorno e dell’orario stabilito:
