Address book
Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. B L. 240/2010
The research interests concern Psychology of Social Sustainability, Disability, Vulnerability and Inclusion and the Psychology of Vocational Guidance and Planning from an inclusive and sustainable perspective (SSD: M-PSI/04).
Office hours
Monday from 9:30 to 11:00
at Laboratorio Larios. Via Venezia,14- Terzo Piano
Si prega di comunicare anticipatamente tramite email la presenza al ricevimento. I ricevimenti potranno essere effettuati anche tramite piattaforma zoom previa comunicazione per email.
Articles published, accepted or submitted for publication in International Journals
- Santilli, S., Ginevra M.C., Di Maggio, I., Soresi, S. & Nota, L. (2021). In the Same Boat? An Online Group Career Counseling with a Group of Young Adults in the Time of COVID-19. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
- Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., Nota, L. & Soresi, S. (2021). Stories of courage in a group of people with experiences of migration to inclusive and sustainable future. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
- Santilli, S, Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, & Nota, L.(in press.). Stories of Courage of Young Italians in Precarious Work. The Career Development Quarterly.
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Ferrari, L., Sgaramella, T. M., Niles, S., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2020) Using the hope-centered career inventory (HCCI)—Italian version with healthcare professionals. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1007/s10775-020-09433-4
- Santilli, S., Ginevra, M. C., Camussi, E., Lodi, E., Nota, L., Patrizi, P. (2020) Courage in childhood: Classifying the actions of courage performed by elementary school students. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. Advanced Online Publication. doi:10.1080/17405629.2020.1822161
- Santilli, S., Di Maggio, I., Ginevra, M. C., & Nota, L. (2020). “Looking to the future and university in an inclusive and sustainable way: A career Intervention for high school students. Sustainability. Advanced Online Publication
-Lipshits-Braziler, Y., Abessolo, M., Santilli, S., & Di Maggio, I. (2020) The Work Meaning Questionnaire: measurement invariance and criterion validity among Israeli, Swiss, and Italian workers. Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-24.
Research Area
The research interests concern Psychology of Social Sustainability, Disability, Vulnerability and Inclusion and the Psychology of Vocational Guidance and Planning from an inclusive and sustainable perspective (SSD: M-PSI/04).
Concerning the Psychology of Social Sustainability, Disability, Vulnerability and Inclusion, the research activities concern analysing school, social and work inclusion processes. Precisely, they concern:
- The analysis of the attitudes of classmates, parents and teachers towards the school inclusion of students with disabilities and psychosocial distress;
- The analysis of the attitudes of colleagues and employers toward the employment inclusion of adults with disabilities and psychosocial distress;
- The analysis of contextual barriers and supports to inclusion;
- The analysis of inequalities and discrimination that may hinder the inclusion of people with disabilities and vulnerabilities in educational and vocational life contexts;
- The development and validation of qualitative and quantitative assessment tools for evaluating the inclusiveness of school and work contexts;
- The development, implementation and verification of the effectiveness of interventions to foster inclusive school and work contexts.
Concerning the Psychology of vocational guidance and ife design from an inclusive and sustainable perspective, the research activities related to the study of professional construction over the life span, according to the life design, the social-cognitive model and positive psychology. Precisely, they concern:
- The analysis of the evolutionary trends of constructs involved in occupational design processes, such as hope, optimism, occupational adaptability, gender barriers and occupational stereotypes, and occupational knowledge in people with and without disabilities and vulnerabilities;
- An analysis of the influences of economic and political knowledge on the professional development and design processes of children, adolescents, and young adults with and without disabilities and vulnerabilities;
- The analysis of future concerns for the implementation of inclusive and sustainable professional designs;
- The development and validation of qualitative and quantitative assessment tools for children, adolescents, and young adults with and without disabilities and vulnerabilities to assess constructs involved in professional design processes;
- The development and validation of intervention programs aimed at enhancing the professional design skills of children, adolescents, and young adults with and without disabilities and vulnerabilities;
- The development and validation of career education activities to support educators and teachers in supporting youth in managing career choices and fostering professional adaptability skills, hope, optimism, resilience and time perspective and inclusive and sustainable visions of the future.
Thesis proposals
Proposed thesis to be agreed during the student meeting:
Analysis of social sustainability in groups of children, adolescents, young adults and adults with and without vulnerability.
Development and proposal of new interventions for the promotion of social sustainability focused on groups of children, adolescents, young adults and adults with and without vulnerability.
- Future-oriented projects focused on inclusion and sustainability;
- instruments to analyze attitudes and propensities to consider aspects of social sustainability;
- projects of promotion, awareness and education for social and educational sustainability;
- projects to promote, raise awareness of, and educate about building inclusive contexts.