Address book
Alessandro Santagata
Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010
Alessandro Santagata studied modern and contemporary history at the universities of Pisa, Roma Tor Vergata and in Paris, École Pratique des Hautes Études. In 2015 he obtained the international fellowship “Fernand Braudel”. In 2018 he was STARS research fellow at Department of Political Science Law and International studies (University of Padova), where he directed the project “Catholic moral conundrums in the Italian Resistance (1943-1945)”. From 2020 he is promoting the Department unity propjet “Getting out of the War. The Holy See and the Italian catholicism in the democratic reconstruction (1944-1950)”. He is member of the editorial board of “Modernism” and “Italia contemporanea”. His research has focused on the history of Italian Catholicism, with particularly attention on the political and cultural dimensions. His most recent publications include: La contestazione cattolica. Movimenti, cultura e politica dal Vaticano II al ’68, (Roma, Viella, 2016); Una violenza “incolpevole”. Retoriche e pratiche dei cattolici nella Resistenza veneta (Roma, Viella, 2021)
Research Area
Research interests:
- Italian contemporary history
- History of the Italian Resistance against nazifascism
- Catholic Church and Italian and international catholicism history
- History of social and political movements
Thesis proposals
Thesis proposals:
- Italian contemporary history
- History of the Italian Resistance against nazifascism
- Catholic Church and Italian and international catholicism history
- History of social and political movements