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Professore Ordinario





Full Professor of Sociology of work at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology.
He graduated in Political Sciences at the University of Padua, and gained his Ph.D. in "Methodology of Research in Human Sciences" at the Department of Anthropological Sciences (DISA) of the University of Genoa.
He is currently teaching Sociology of Work (Bachelor's Degree) and Sociology of labour and Migration processes.
He is member of Executive Board of the PhD in Social Sciences, University of Padua.

He has been responsible and participated in national and international research on relocalization of production, on the migrant workers in agriculture and in the domestic sector. He studied also the transformations in the maritime sector, on the intergenerational transmission of social inequalities and on the forms of social cohesion. In particular, he is the scientific director of the following research projects:
"Shipping Off Labour: Changing Staffing Strategies in Globalized Workplaces", The Research Council of Norway (2020-24).
“Labour in transition: job-skills development and firm innovation competencies” (Prin 2023-25)
Responsabile scientifico progetto Release (Rete Legale Anti Sfruttamento), Fondo Asilo, Migrazione e Integrazione (FAMI) (2023).

He participated at national and international conferences. Some of the most recent papers he presented are:
2023 “Outsourcing and the multiplication of factory regimes in the Italian shipbuilding industry. The case of Fincantieri” (con F. E. Iannuzzi, N. Quondamatteo), ISA Conference, Melbourne (25 giugno-1 luglio).
2023 “The nexus between mobility and mobilization. ‘Indie’ unionism in the Italian meat processing sectors” (con V. Piro), 41st ILPC, University of Strathclyde (12-14 Aprile).
2023 “Job quality in worker cooperatives: Beyond degeneration and intrinsic rewards” (con L. Dorigatti, F. E. Iannuzzi, V. Piro), 41st ILPC, University of Strathclyde (12-14 Aprile).
2023 “Fragmented labour regimes in the Italian Fincanteri shipyards” (con F.E. Iannuzzi, G. Meardi, N. Quondamatteo, A.A. Rabby, M. Trevisan), Workshop “Shipping Off Labour: Changing Staffing Strategies in Globalized Workplaces”, Brussels (28-29 marzo).
2023 “Divergenze e convergenze nella crisi del lavoro migrante”, Convegno Migrazioni: governo dell'emergenza e pratiche di trasformazione, Università di Salerno, 24 marzo.
2023 “L’istituzionalizzazione del lavoro povero nelle cooperative: uno studio su tre settori” (con L. Dorigatti, F. E. Iannuzzi, V. Piro, Sisec, Brescia (8-11 febbraio)
2022 “Lo sfruttamento lavorativo”, Scuola Estiva di Sociologia delle Migrazioni, Genova (5 luglio).
2022 “Migration and Labour”, Labour Transfer Summer School, Buggerru (15-18 giugno).
2022 “Continuity and Change in Workplace Regimes in the Italian Shipbuilding Industry” Con F. E. Iannuzzi, G. Meardi, N. Quandamatteo, A.A. Rabby, Workshop ShipGlobal, Oslo (23-24 maggio).


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:30
    at Studio docente - Via M. Cesarotti, 12
    I ricevimenti di mercoledì 9 e 16 ottobre 2024 sono sospesi. In caso di necessità potete inviare un'email al docente. Per eventuali informazioni si prega di consultare il sito di Ateneo ed eventualmente di inviare una email al docente. Si avvisano gli studenti che è inutile inviare messaggi di posta elettronica per: a) chiedere informazioni già disponibili sul sito (es. date e orari delle lezioni, degli esami e del ricevimento, programmi d'esame); 2) chiedere argomenti di prove finali (basta presentarsi a ricevimento); 3) chiedere eccezioni o trattamenti particolari (ad esempio esami fuori appello, programmi personalizzati); 4) chiedere informazioni in merito alla disponibilità del docente nel seguirli nella scrittura della tesi di laurea. Il docente si riserva di non rispondere alle mail che chiedono tali informazioni.



2021 “The work-technology nexus and working-class environmentalism: Workerism versus capitalist noxiousness in Italy’s Long 1968” (con L. Feltrin), Theory and Society, 50(5), 815-835.
2021 “Subcontracted racial capitalism: the interrelationship of race and production in meat processing plants” (con V. Piro), Work in the Global Economy, vol. 1-2, pp. 33-53.
2021 “The dark side of onward migration: Experiences and strategies of Italian-Bangladeshis in the UK at the time of the post-Brexit referendum” (con M. Morad, F. Della Puppa), British Journal of Sociology, vol. 72 (5), 1311-1324.
2021 “The work-technology nexus and working-class environmentalism: Workerism versus capitalist noxiousness in Italy’s Long 1968” (con L. Feltrin), Theory and Society, 50(5), 815-835.
2020 “Migration, Ethnicity and Solidarity: ‘Multinational Workers’ in the Former Soviet Union” (with C. Morrison, R. Croucher), British Journal of Industrial Relations,
2019 “Multiple Migration and Use of Ties: Bangladeshis in Italy and Beyond”, (with M. Morad), International Migration, pp- 1-14, DOI: 10.1111/imig.12669
2019 “One firm, two countries, one workplace model? The case of Foxconn’s internationalization” (with R. Andrijasevic, Ngai Pun) The Economic and Labour Relations Review, pp. 1-17, DOI: 10.1177/1035304619880680
2019 “Frontières mobiles. Processus migratoires, travail et reconfiguration de la politique” (with Vando Borghi), Tumultes, vol. 53, pp.35-53.
2019 “The Mobility of Workers living at work in Europe” (with Antonella Ceccagno), Current Sociology, pp. 1-17, DOI: 10.1177/0011392119863831
2019 “Assemblaggi di frontiera. Le operaie della Foxconn a Ciudad Juárez, Messico”, (with M. E. Cecchi), Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, n. 1, pp. 3-28.
2019 “A Chinese Model for Labour in Europe?”, (with A. Ceccagno), International Migration, pp. 1-14, DOI: 10.1111/imig.126162019
2019 “Transgressing North–South Divide: Foxconn Production Regimes in China and the Czech Republic” (with Pun N., Andrijasevic R.), Critical Sociology, pp. 1-16, DOI: 10.1177/089692051
2018 “Restructuring Labour Relations and Employment in the European Logistics Sector: Unions’ responses to a Segmented Workforce” (with C. Benvegnù, B. Haidinger), in Doellgast V., Lillie N., Pulignano V. (eds), Reconstructing Solidarity. Labour unions, Precarious work, and the Politics of Institutional Change in Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 83-103.
2017 “Research ethics in an unethical world: The politics and morality of engaged research” (with C. Morrison), Work Employment and Society, DOI: 10.1177/0950017017726947.
2017 “Disappearing Workers’: Foxconn in Europe and the changing role of Temporary Work Agencies” (with R. Andrijasevic), Work, Employment and Society, 31 (1), pp. 54-70.
2016 Flexible workforces and low profit margins: electronics assembly between Europe and China, Etui, Brussels (with R. Andrijasevic, J. Drahokoupil).
2016 Migrant workers’ routes to the informal economy during the economic crisis: structural constraints and subjective motivations (with F. A: Vianello), Prakseologia, vol. 158 (1)
2016 From labour migration to labour mobility? The return of the multinational worker in Europe (with R. Andrijasevic), Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 22 (2): 219-231.

Research Area

The main research lines are:
- labour markets in Europe;
- mobility of investments and mobility of the labour;
- trade unions and migrant workers;
- space and time in production and reproduction processes;
- logistics and digital platform.

He is currently working on a comparative research on a large multinational company (Foxconn) with Rutvica Andrijasevic of Bristol University; a research project financed by EC on posting workers in Europe; a research project on trade unions and migrant workers in the slaughterhouse labour processes; and a research porject on shipbuinding in Europe.
Other information are available in the research group website:

Thesis proposals

Dissertations are mainly empirical based after a preliminary discussion with the Professor.

Some topics of recent dissertations:
Working in the cooperatives
Emotional and care work
The lean production system in a Venetian's firm
Working conditions in Italian Enterprises in Moldavia
Lean production in a Venetian firm
Workers in the gig economy
Time-work balance
Smartworking in Covid's era
Form of organisation of labour through subcontract
Migrant labour in the meat processing