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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010






Office hours

  • Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:30
    at Via Cesarotti 12 - 35123 Padova
    Il ricevimento viene concordato preventivamente via mail con il docente; è possibile inoltre svolgere il ricevimento in remoto, accordandosi preventivamente con il docente via mail. Le indicazioni bibliografiche e le modalità d'esame sono esplicitate nel syllabus dei corsi e saranno chiarite durante le lezioni.


Recent publications:

Ruggieri, D. (2024). Max Scheler, entre sociologie et philosophie, in D.Thouard (ed.), Les enfants de Simmel, Circé, Belval 2024, pp. 97-106.

Ruggieri, D. (2024). Fostering the dialogue between sociology and critical theory: some remarks on the normative character of social relations from Georg Simmel’s sociological theory, in «Berlin Journal of Critical Theory», vol. 8 (2), pp. 75-101 (

Ruggieri, D. (2023). Normative Reciprocity, Relational Sociology, and the Critique of Forms of Social Life, in E.Hałas (ed.), Methodology of Relational Sociology. Palgrave Studies in Relational Sociology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 295-315.

Ruggieri, D. (2023). Pluralismo delle forme della vita sociale e reciprocità normativa. Una ipotesi di dialogo tra sociologia relazionale e Teoria critica, in «Studi di Sociologia», 1, pp. 3-21, ISSN: 0039291X (print) 18277896 (digital).

Ruggieri, D. (2022). Being grateful to Georg Simmel. Emotions, gratitude, and the relational concern of sociology in the globalized society, in «Digithum. A relational perspective on culture and society», vol. 28, pp. 1-9, ISSN: 1575-2275.

Ruggieri, D. (2022). Coordinate teoriche: come orientarsi nella «galassia» della vita degli studenti universitari a un anno dalla pandemia di Covid-19, in S.Nanetti-G.Monteduro (a cura di), L'Università a modo mio. Esperienze e stili di vita degli studenti universitari, Erickson, Trento, pp. 21-32, ISBN 9788859032489

Ruggieri, D. (2022). The Tragedy of Culture and the Culture of Tragedy: Some Remarks on Georg Simmel’s Sociology of Culture and His Interpretation of Schopenhauer’s Philosophy, in «Meta: Research in hermeneutics, phenomenology and practical philosophy», vol. XIV, pp. 52-73, ISSN: 2067-3655.

Ruggieri, D. (2022). Una sociologia attraverso le relazioni? La sociologia «relazionista» di Christian Papilloud, in P.Donati (a cura di), La teoria relazionale nelle scienze sociali: sviluppi e prospettive, Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 129-153, ISBN: 978-88-15-29526-2.

Ruggieri, D. (2021) La Lebenssoziologie e la sfida della sociologia relazionale nella concettualizzazione della relazione come “forma” di vita sociale, in «Studi di Sociologia», 2, pp. 95-112, ISSN: 0039291X (print) 18277896 (digital).

Research Area

Research focuses on the relation between socialization processes and cultural dynamics within the globalised society. Main research fields are:
(1) sociological theory, particularly on Georg Simmel and Max Horkheimer (more generally on the study of the socio-cultural fatcs as "relation" and the main research outcomes of Critical Theory);
(2) transformations of cultures and social practices within the educational institutions (higher schools, universities) with particular attention to the dimension of social subjectivity and the emergent "forms of social life";
(3) the issue of "normative reciprocity" applied in the frame of socio-cultural analysis within the globalised world and pluralization of culture.
(4) The relation among religion, politics, and culture within the post-secular society

Thesis proposals

Main fields of research are:
(1) sociological theory, particularly the interpretation of classical sociological authors (more generally on the study of the socio-cultural fatcs as "relation" and the main research outcomes of Critical Theory);
(2) transformations of cultures and social practices within the educational institutions (higher schools, universities) with particular attention to the dimension of social subjectivity and the emergent "forms of social life";
(3) the issue of "normative reciprocity" applied in the frame of socio-cultural analysis within the globalised world and pluralization of culture.
(4) The relation among religion, politics, and culture within the post-secular society