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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. A L. 240/2010







Pubblications 2019-present:
1. Rosani U, Bortoletto E, Bai CM, Novoa B, Figueras A, Venier P, Fromm B. Digging into bivalve miRNAomes: between conservation and innovation. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2021
2. Bortoletto E, Venier P, Novoa B, Figueras A, Rosani U. Evolutionary insights on a novel mussel-specific foot protein-3α gene family. ISJ 2021
3. Bortoletto E, Venier P, Shapiro M, Leonardi A, Rosani U. SARS-CoV-2 evasion from ADAR hyper-editing is both genome-encoded and sustained by the virus replication strategy. Preprint, 2021
4. Gerdol M, Moreira R, Cruz F, Gómez-Garrido J, Vlasova A, Rosani U, Venier P, Naranjo-Ortiz MA, Murgarella M, Greco S, Balseiro P, Corvelo A, Frias L, Gut M, Gabaldón T, Pallavicini A, Canchaya C, Novoa B, Alioto TS, Posada D, Figueras A. Massive gene presence-absence variation shapes an open pan-genome in the Mediterranean mussel. Genome Biol., 2020
5. Novoa B, Moreira R, Romero A, Rey-Campos M, Pereiro P, Rosani U and Figueras A. Rosani Stimulation of Mytilus galloprovincialis hemocytes with different immune challenges induces differential transcriptomic, miRNomic and functional responses. Front. Immunol., 2020
6. Rosani U, Abbadi M, Green T, Bai CM, Turolla E, Arcangeli G, Wegner M, Venier P. miRNAome analysis reveals new insights on natural infections of Crassostrea gigas by Ostreid herpesvirus 1. BMC Genomics, 2020
7. Leonardi A, Rosani U, Brun P. Ocular surface expression of SARS-CoV-2 receptors suggest potential infection through the eye. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation, 2020
8. Bai CM, Lu SX, Rosani U, Wu B, Wang QC, Duan XK, Liu ZH, Wang CM. Chromosomal-level assembly of the blood clam, Scapharca (Anadara) broughtonii, using long sequence reads and Hi-C. GigaScience, 2019
9. Rosani U, Domeneghetti S, Gerdol M, Pallavicini A, and Venier P. Expansion and loss events characterized the occurrence of MIF-like genes in bivalves. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2019
10. Rosani U, Bai CM, Maso L, Shapiro M, Abbadi M, Domeneghetti S, Wang CM, Cendron L, MacCarthy T, Venier P. A-to-I editing of Malacoherpesviridae RNAs supports the antiviral role of ADAR1 in mollusks. BMC Evol Biol, 2019
11. Rosani U, Domeneghetti S, Maso L, Wegner KM, Venier P. An evolutionary perspective of Dopachrome Tautomerase Enzymes in Metazoans. Genes, 2019
12. Rosani U, Shapiro M, Venier P, Allam B. A Needle in A Haystack: Tracing Bivalve-Associated Viruses in High-Throughput Transcriptomic Data. Viruses, 2019
13. Bai CM, Zhang SM, Li YN, Xin LS, Rosani U, Wang CM. Dual Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals a Delayed Antiviral Response of Haliotis diversicolor supertexta against Haliotid Herpesvirus-1. Viruses 2019
14. Bai C-M*, Rosani U*, YN Li, SM Zhang, LS Xin, CM Wang. RNA-seq of HaHV-1-infected abalones reveals a common transcriptional signature of Malacoherpesviruses. SciRep, 2019 *equal contr.
15. Rosani U, Young T, Bai CM, Alfaro A, Venier P. Dual analysis of virus-host interactions: the case of OsHV-1 and the cupped oyster. Evol. Bioinf, 2019
16. Bai CM, Morga B, Rosani U, Shi J, Li C, Xin LS, Wang CM. Long-range PCR and high-throughput sequencing of Ostreid herpesvirus 1 indicate high genetic diversity and complex evolution process. Virology, 2019

Thesis proposals

Possible topics:
1. Study of viromes and virus-host associations in deep-sea sediments by sequencing
2. Study of miRNAs in the genomes of bivalve species in the light of the Presence-Absence-Variation” (PAV) phenomenon