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Professoressa Ordinaria





I graduated in Experimental Psychology from the University of Padova in 1992. I continued my studies at the same University, achieving my PhD in Psychology in 1997. I was employed by the University of Padova in 2000 as a researcher (ricercatore) and in 2017, I became full Professor (professore ordinario).
At the University of Padova, I collaborate with the International Office as I strongly believe in the internationalisation of higher education. I would like our whole university, and the many facilities within, to become more appealing and competitive at an international level. Particularly, I believe our graduates should be prepared for a global era, and to be able to embrace the international, intercultural and global opportunities.
My Ph.D. thesis was on “Cognitive, neuropsychological and neuropharmacological aspects of detour behaviour in the domestic chick.” Part of my research was conducted in the laboratories of Prof. Richard J. Andrew (Sussex University) and Prof. Steven P. R. Rose (The Open University, Milton Keynes, U.K.).
I teach Psychobiology and Animal Cognition (both in Italian language) and Animal Psychology (in English language for the Bachelor in Psychological Sciences). I am a Visiting Chair Professor of Wesleyan College at Guangzhou University (Guangzhou, China), and have been a guest lecturer at ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai (China). Every year, I lecture at the National University of Ireland in Galway as a part of an Erasmus Teaching Exchange.
Since 1994, I have published approximately 100 peer-reviewed articles or book chapters in international journals and over 160 papers presented at international conferences.
A few of my papers on animals’ cognitive abilities received coverage from international media. Hopefully, my research will contribute to improving the general public’s knowledge and understanding for the use of non-human species, and in particular, the treatment of farm animals, such as the domestic chicken.


Possible research lines suitable for Master projects or for PhD projects.

GENERAL TOPIC: Experimental investigation of cognitive processes (such as perception, memory, spatial orientation, reasoning and problem solving) employing animal models.


Some examples of Specific Topics:

Number-space mapping
Usually adult humans think about numbers as been represented onto a mental line oriented from left (small numbers) to right (large numbers). The influence of the educational factors in determining the orientation of the human mental number line has been extensively debated. We propose a series of studies investigating the effects of language and culture in determining the origin of the orientation of the mental number line.

Ordinal abilities
Ordinarily can be considered as the capability of identifying an element in a series of target elements on the basis of its ordinal position. Which hemisphere is in charge of processing this information? Are the two hemispheres processing distinct characteristics of the information (spatial and/or numerical)? Is ordinality related to the level of brain lateralization, and to what extent?

Context-related responses
Can an animal learn to respond in different ways according to the different contexts? We propose a series of experiments investigating whether day-old domestic chicks can learn to behave differently (for example responding by choosing either the larger or the smaller number), in different environments.

Any topic related to visual perception, spatial orientation, processing of complex stimuli and, in general higher cognitive abilities.

Office hours

  • Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
    at Via Venezia 8 ("Psico-1" Building), Sesto Piano (Sixth Floor), Office 6-13.
    Il ricevimento avviene previo appuntamento, gli studenti interessati devono inviare una email a anticipando le motivazioni della loro richiesta (è possibile richiedere appuntamenti via zoom o in presenza ed in date ed orari differenti da quelli specificati). I see students upon appointment, please send an email to You can ask for a personalized day/time or meeting modality, e.g., via zoom. NB For the Erasmus call mandatory interviews please email me. COLLOQUI OBBLIGATORI BANDO ERASMUS (ISTRUZIONI UTILI) Caro studente, al fine di valutare la tua candidatura ti chiedo di mandarmi una email mettendo in oggetto il tuo cognome e la destinazione prescelta. Nella email inserisci le seguenti informazioni: - Corso di studi ed anno cui sei attualmente iscritto - la meta per cui chiedi di sostenere il colloquio -tutti i dettagli del più alto livello certificato di lingua inglese in tuo possesso (inclusa la sua data di emissione e di scadenza), con i punteggi in tutte e 4 le abilità linguistiche. (eventuale conoscenza di altre lingue e certificazioni-punteggi ottenuti); - le tue motivazioni personali per la scelta di questa specifica destinazione – non più di 250 parole (vedi suggerimenti utili sotto) - quali altri destinazioni stai valutando ed in quale ordine di preferenza/priorità - una proposta o bozza di piano di studi per capire se la meta che tu indichi si adatta al tuo piano di studi, ovvero se trovi sufficienti esami da sostituire dal tuo piano del prossimo anno. Specifica anche per cortesia se è tua intenzione utilizzare l'intero periodo all'estero previsto dalla borsa o se intendi ridurlo per qualche motivo e di quanto (in tal caso la bozza di piano di studi deve essere adeguata al periodo che scegli, almeno in questa fase preliminare di valutazione). Quando avrò ricevuto queste informazioni potrò darti un feedback riguardo a se mi servano ulteriori informazioni o eventualmente se sia necessario un colloquio via zoom per approfondire alcuni ulteriori aspetti legati alla tua candidatura. L’eventuale colloquio si terrà solo su mia richiesta, in un giorno ed orario concordato assieme, ed il link della mia meeting room è il seguente: Mandami la mail quando è completa con tutte le informazioni richieste, preferisco riceverla dopo ma completa piuttosto che subito ma con informazioni approssimate, ad esempio se prevedi di parlare con la tua famiglia durante le festività natalizie riguardo la tua partecipazione al bando è meglio tu mi invii la mail successivamente. Ti consiglio pero’ di non aspettare gennaio ma di inviarla entro la fine di dicembre. STATEMENT MOTIVAZIONALE (MAX 250 PAROLE) Potresti accennare o commentare circa le seguenti questioni (a tua discrezione): perché vuoi andare in erasmus? cosa ti aspetti/speri di ottenere? perché hai scelto proprio questa nazione e questa destinazione? (rispetto ad altre). Quanto ti senti sicuro della tua scelta di partire e di partire proprio per questa destinazione? Ne hai già discusso con la tua famiglia? Qual è la loro opinione? Sei già stato all’estero? Se si dove, per quanto tempo e perché? Cosa potrebbe impedirti di partire? Cosa faresti se vincessi la borsa prima della partenza?



Mascalzoni, E., Osorio, D., Regolin, L. and Vallortigara, G. (2012). Symmetry perception by poultry chicks and its implications for three-dimensional object recognition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 279:841–846.

Elliott, M.A., Rosa Salva, O., Mulcahy, P. and Regolin, L. (2012). Structural imbalance promotes behavior analogous to aesthetic preference in domestic chicks. Plos One, Volume 7 (8), e43029 (pp 1-7).

Rosa Salva, O., Regolin, L., Mascalzoni, E. and Vallortigara, G. (2012). Visual asymmetry of the brain and animal social cognition. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews. Vol 7: 110-138.

Mascalzoni, E., Regolin, L., Vallortigara, G. and Simion, F. (2013). The cradle of causal reasoning: Newborns’ preference for physical causality. Developmental Science. 16 (3) : 327-335. Epub 2013 Mar 21.

Rugani R., Cavazzana A., Vallortigara G., and Regolin L. (2013). One, two, three, four, or is there something more? Numerical discrimination in day-old domestic chicks. Animal Cognition, 16 (4) : 557-564.

Mongillo, P., Araujo, J.A., Pitteri, E., Carnier, P., Adamelli, S., Regolin, L. and Marinelli, L. (2013). Spatial reversal learning is impaired by age in pet dogs. Age, 35 (6) : 2273-2282.

Rosa Salva O., Normando S., Mollo A. and Regolin L. (2014). Face preferences in week-old lambs (Ovis aries). Interaction Studies, 15(1): 113-128.

Stancher, G., Rugani, R., Regolin, L. and Vallortigara, G. (2015). Numerical discrimination by frogs (Bombina orientalis). Animal Cognition, 18:219–229.

Rugani, R., Vallortigara, G., Konstantinos P. and Regolin, L. (2015). Number-space mapping in the newborn chick resembles humans' mental number line. Science, 347:534-536.

Santolin, C., RosaSalva, O., Vallortigara, G., and Regolin, L. (2016). Unsupervised visual statistical learning in the newborn chick (Gallus gallus). Current Biology, 26(23), pp. R1218-R1220.

Rugani, R., McCrink, K., De Hevia M.D, Vallortigara, G. and Regolin, L. (2016). Ratio calculation over discrete magnitudes by newly hatched domestic chicks (Gallus gallus). Scientific Reports, 6, 30114.

De Agrò, M., Regolin, L., and Moretto, E. (2017). Visual discrimination learning in the jumping spider Phidippus regius. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 4(4), 413-424.

Bertamini, M., Guest, M., Vallortigara, G., Rugani, R. and Regolin L. (2018, in press). The effect of clustering on perceived quantity in humans (Homo sapiens) and in chicks (Gallus gallus). Journal of Comparative Psychology.

Research Area

Possible research lines suitable for Master projects or for PhD projects.

GENERAL TOPIC: Experimental investigation of cognitive processes (such as perception, memory, spatial orientation, reasoning and problem solving) employing animal models.


Some examples of Specific Topics:

Number-space mapping
Usually adult humans think about numbers as been represented onto a mental line oriented from left (small numbers) to right (large numbers). The influence of the educational factors in determining the orientation of the human mental number line has been extensively debated. We propose a series of studies investigating the effects of language and culture in determining the origin of the orientation of the mental number line.

Ordinal abilities
Ordinarily can be considered as the capability of identifying an element in a series of target elements on the basis of its ordinal position. Which hemisphere is in charge of processing this information? Are the two hemispheres processing distinct characteristics of the information (spatial and/or numerical)? Is ordinality related to the level of brain lateralization, and to what extent?

Context-related responses
Can an animal learn to respond in different ways according to the different contexts? We propose a series of experiments investigating whether day-old domestic chicks can learn to behave differently (for example responding by choosing either the larger or the smaller number), in different environments.

Any topic related to visual perception, spatial orientation, processing of complex stimuli and, in general higher cognitive abilities.