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Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. B L. 240/2010




My current research interests relate critical approaches to smart technologies and artificial intelligence in society and in education. I'm trying to understand how the postdigital shapes our experience and perception of learning, and to what extent, in such a context, we are able of developing agency and capabilities to transform our cultural environments more than to adapt to them. Ultimately, I'm concerned with the contribution of education to social justice and inclusion.

In the last 5 years, I investigated approaches to develop educators' critical data literacy at several levels of the education and training system. I embrace the values of open education and open science, and so I have also taken part in studies analysing faculty's engagement with such movements.

I was formerly focused on educational internationalisation, discussing its impact on the educators' professional development and identity. I collaborated on national (Italy) and international teacher education projects in Latin America, the Balkans, Turkey, Europe, some experience in Africa, where I studied the dynamics of professional learning within mobility projects. Also, I analysed the interactions between teachers and learners of different cultural backgrounds within digital environments.

Former Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). Principal Investigator for the project “Professional Learning Ecologies for Digital Scholarship: Supporting professionalism for the Modernization of Higher Education” (“Learning ecologies for the Academic Profession in the digital era: towards the modernization of higher education “, funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and the University of Spain under the program “Ramon y Cajal” (2018-2023).
Former lecturer, post-doctoral researcher and/or coordinating technologist for the following institutions: University of Florence (Department of Education and Psychology), National Research Council of Italy (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) in the context of a project for open science of the Italian Digital Agenda program, University of Trento (research program of the Academic Didactic Innovation Laboratory, Department of Cognitive Sciences and Psychology), Univirtual eLearning Laboratory Technologies of the International Center p for Educational Research and Advanced Training of the Ca ‘Foscari University of Venice (Italy). External expert, likewise, for the European Commission in the subprogram Key Actions III-ICT, of the Lifelong Learning Program, as well as for the Horizon2020 (Digital Health Literacy). Associated Researcher for the UOC consolidated Research Group by the Generalitat of Catalonia (SGR 1471), Edul@b. Associated Researcher to the TIC-CIAFIC Department (Center for Research in Philosophical and Cultural Anthropology, National Commission of Science and Technology, Argentina).

Degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), in 1996, and Master in Training of Trainers of the University of Venice Ca ‘Foscari “(Italy), 2003, PhD in Education (University Ca’ Foscari), 2010, with the thesis: Apprendere in Contesti Culturali Allargati: Processi di Internazionalizzazione and Impatto sull’Identità Professionale.

Research and Professional Profile at:
Google Scholar -
ResearchGate -
LinkedIn -


Office hours

  • Tuesday from 14:30 to 17:30
    at Consorzio Università Rovigo (PRIMO SEM/FIRST SEM) Sede FISPPA (SECONDO SEM/SECOND SEM)
    Martedì dalle 14.30 alle 17:30 - In presenza o per videochiamata //////// >>>PRIMO SEMESTRE - Consorzio Università Rovigo - Viale, 45 - 45100 Rovigo, 3zo Piano >>>SECONDO SEMESTRE - Sede FISPPA, via Beato Pellegrino 28 - 35137 Padova, 1mo Piano Si prega gli studenti di chiedere appuntamento via email, per organizzare meglio l'orario del ricevimento ed evitare attese. ////// Tuesday from 2.30pm to 5.30pm - In person or by video call - >>>FIRST SEMESTER - Rovigo Università Consorzio - Viale, 45 - 45100 Rovigo, 3rd floor Room 1 >>>SECOND SEMESTER - Sede FISPPA, via Beato Pellegrino 28 - 35137 Padova, 1mo Piano Students are kindly requested to ask for an appointment via email, to better organize the reception time and avoid waiting.


Updated List of Pubblications:

Google Scholar:

Research Area

- Digital Competence (Critical approaches to analyzing the use of data in digital learning environments)

- Professional Learning (in relation to working environments mediated by technologies)

- Faculty Development & Digital Scholarship (supporting e-learning and educational technologies uptake and technology adoption in research communication and dissemination)

- Mixed methods and data-based research methodologies, applied to the study of educational technologies and the human-computer relationship (Human-Computer Interaction)

Thesis proposals

The research topics I work on, and for which the undergraduates working at their thesis are welcome, are:

1- Data literacy (including reading, analysis, processing, use data in communication processes) in different learning contexts (informal, non-formal, formal).

2- Professional practice based on (digitized) data or on different digital automatisms (recommender systems, facial tracking, eye tracking, analytics, dashboards, etc.)

3- Impact of dashboards within learning processes.

4- Impact of the use of metrics and quantification within the educational practice (design, documentation, evaluation)

5- Educators' skills in relation to data-based practices or the use of "smart" devices and technologies.

6- Contemporary functional illiteracy: inadequate use of data within social networks.

7- Open data as open educational resources

8- Participatory approaches to knowledge building in science and technology (Responsible Research and Innovation), including collaboration in STEAM pathways (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art-All subjects, and Math) between the school, university, industry.