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I am currently working on tourist spatial imaginations of Europe, on the transit of tourism (including walking and multi-modal transport), and on food and mobilities, approaching mobilities in an embodied and performative way. My previous research has dealt with the social and spatial dimensions of urban studies and consumer culture, including the critical geographies of tourism, cultural heritage and place branding.
I was awarded a Ph.D. in Urban and Local European Studies in 2009 and since then I have had a variety of experiences including at the University of Helsinki, the University of Sheffield, the Estonian Academy of Arts and the Institut de Recherche et d'Études Supérieures du Tourisme (IREST) at the University Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne (France).
From 2012 to 2018 I have been a postdoc in human geography at the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST) at the Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna (Italy).
In april 2019 I joined the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World at the University of Padua to work on a high impact project on Mobilities and Humanities.
I am interested in qualitative methods and participatory research. Having a cosmopolitan profile, I am also very interested in the politics of transnational academic life, interdisciplinary research and multilingualism.
I have published more than 40 articles in academic journals including Cities; Annals of Tourism Research; Journal of Consumer Culture; cultural geographies; Gender, Place and Culture. An updated list of my publication is available on Academia and Researchgate.
I am the Book Reviews editor for the Rivista Geografica Italiana, one of the main Italian geographical peer-reviewed journal ( and I'm part of the Editorial Board of Via.Tourism Review, International Interdisciplinary and multilingual journal of Tourism (


Please drop me an email to arrange a personal meeting.
Please read the email charter before contacting me (

Starting with the Call for candidates 2021-22 on, I will be the Erasmus coordinator for the second cycle degree course in Local Development (School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage).
Beside coordinating, I'm also in charge of the following flows:
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Groningen, the Netherlands)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Faculty of Science (Leuven, Belgium)
- Eesti Kunstiakadeemia - Master in Urban Studies (Tallinn, Estonia)
- Helsingin Yliopisto - Department of Geosciences and Geography (Helsinki, Finland)
- Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara - Dep. Geografie (Timișoara, Romania)

For further infos:

Students can contact professors in charge of Erasmus flows for issues concerning the scientific choice of destination and the Learning Agreement.
For all the other issues (administrative, technical, other kinds of mobility exchange), students shall contact the Mobility Unit Desk at the Scuola di Scienze Umane:



You can have a glimpse of my publications at:

Research Area

- Tourism and society (meanings, practices, policies, conflicts)
- Consumer culture and space (shopping practices, shopping sites as public spaces, food, gender and consumption)
- Cultural heritage (tangible, intangible, co-creation)
- Embodied mobilities (walking, cycling, commuting)
- Urban studies (urban regeneration, place branding)
- Qualitative methods and creative methodologies (ethnographic experimentations, performing data)

Thesis proposals

I am currently interested in supervising thesis on the following topics, methodologies or perspectives:

*Food and mobility: transcalar perspectives on food circulation, human and non-human mobilities entangled with food, tourism mobilities and food
*The making of European space through tourism (thesis)
*Walking: as a practice (i.e. in tourism, migration, as ordinary activity), as a method (i.e. to understand space and place dynamics, as a participatory practice, etc.)
*Multi-modality and transport mobilities in a qualitative perspective (thesis)
*Gendered perspectives on any mobility issue (thesis)
*Postcolonial/Decolonial perspectives on any mobility issue

I only accept thesis based on qualitative methodologies, including mobile methods (eg. walking as a method), creative methods (eg. the use of photos or videos to conduct research).

Students undertaking their thesis under my supervision are kindly asked to:

*contact me at least 6 months prior to thesis defence (eg. if you want to submit in December, contact me no later than June)
*seriously engage with the mobilities turn in the Social Sciences and Humanities
*consider human geographic scholarship in the conceptual framework of their thesis

Students shall also ready at least one of following books:

*Eco, U. (2015), How to write a thesis. Cambridge: MIT Press or Eco, U. (1977), Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Milano: Bompiani
*Gruba, P. and Zobel, J. (2017), How to write your first thesis. Cham: Springer
*Phillips, R. and Johns, J. (2012), Fieldwork for Human Geography. London: Sage