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Graduated in Civil Engeenering at Padua University (1981) and in Architecture at Iuav University in Venice (1989). From 1982 to 1998 active as a private practice. Among the plans drawn up there are those for the restoration of the Celsi family palace in Venice (published in "Palazzo Celsi a Venezia", Milan, Electa, 2000 - with Emanuela Zucchetta), for the organisation of the Risorgimento Museum in Rome, Vittoriano monument (see "Museo Centrale del Risorgimento", Roma, Editore Istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano, 2001), for the restoration and conversion into the Museum for the History of Medicine and the Health of the former Hospital of San Francesco Grande in Padua (‘definitivo’ draft, with Camillo Bianchi, 1997-2002), for the restoration of the Fava-Ghisilieri palace in Bologna (2000-2001), for the restoration of the seventeenth-century tower of the municipality of Tribano. (Padova, 2001-02).
Ph. D. in "Building and Territorial Engineering" at Bologna University (2001). The thesis deeping the sources of ecological tendency in contemporary German and Italian architecture was published under the title "La salubrità dell'abitare. All'origine dell'approccio ecosostenibile nell'architettura del moderno in Germania e in Italia" (EdicomEdizioni, Monfalcone, 2002). At Padua University has then studied Italian Ina-Casa architecture in reconstruction years after the Second World War, with special regard to materials employed (study grant 2001-03).
‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (SSD ICAR 14) assistant professor at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering, University of Padua since 2004, associate professor since 2018. The relationship between history and project (ancient city and new architecture) is the main research field. Participation in conferences (including Tirana Architecture Week, Tirana 2012; Symposium of Architectural Research, Tampere 2013; International Seminar on Urban Form, Porto 2014 and Valencia 2017; At the Frontiers of Urban Space, Avignon 2014; City Planning and Urban Design, Istanbul 2016; Balkan Architectural Biennale, Belgrade 2017) and teaching are centered on this theme.
In the years 2006-2007 was scientific director of the research project "Use of innovative materials in contemporary architecture".
Between 2012 and 2016 artistic director of the restoration of the houses of the former Rural Village of Vigonza (Padua) built in 1938.
Visiting professor at Guangzhou University, China (11.09.15-09.10.15).
Since 2016 corresponding member of Galilean Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in Padua.
Teaching activity.
- At Iuav University in Venice: teacher of ‘Materials Laboratory and Building Elements Design 2’ (academic years 1995-96, 1996-97, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering) and ‘Technological Certification and Experimentation Laboratory 2’ (academic year 1997-98, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering).
- At Udine University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Design Integrated Laboratory’, part 2’ (academic years 2010-11, 2011-12, Master’s degree in Architecture).
- At Padua University: teacher of ‘Architectural and Urban Composition’ (academic years from 2004-05 to 2007-08, Bachelor’s degree in Building Engineering), ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 3’ (academic years from 2008-09 to 2010-11 and ‘Architectural and Urban Composition 2' from 2011-12 to 2017-18 (Master's degree in Building Engineering - Architecture).


Office hours

  • Wednesday from 15:30 to 17:30
    at studio
    Previo appuntamento

Research Area

The main research fields are the following.
- Urban Morphology as a tool for the design of new architecture in ancient cities.
Planning new buildings starts from understanding the context, that is, its physical structure, and this is especially so in the historic center. The methodology looks at the town as a result of its spatial structure. More than political, social, and economic systems, which are important but not sufficient, reasons for its special nature can be found because of its constancy. The method adopted is based on studying the history of the place to understand the urban morphology of it. The physical specificity of the urban form is explored with the aim of elaborating a design process to reinforce the public space as a reference point for the community.
Other research themes are:
- Architecture in the territory.
- Imaginary City.

Thesis proposals

New architecture, public space and historical city.
Study of the procedures for the recomposition of the public space in the historical city through the design of a project proposal in cases of incoherent and degraded contexts. The working method is based on the idea that the study of the history of the city and its morphology is an indispensable tool to know the structure of the city, its memory and identity.