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Ricercatore a tempo det. art. 24 c. 3 lett. B L. 240/2010





Andrea Pettrachin, PhD, is Assistant Professor (Ricercatore in Tenure Track) in Political Science at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) of the University of Padua. He holds a PhD in Politics awarded in 2020 by the University of Sheffield, supervised by Prof. Andrew Geddes. Between 2020 and 2024 he worked at the European University Institute, the University of Bologna, the Collegio Carlo Alberto and the University of Turin. His research primarily focuses on the interplay between migration governance, politics and policy. As of November 2024, he has published a monograph and twenty articles in international academic journals, including the Journal of European Public Policy, Policy Studies, Policy Sciences, the Journal of Comparative Public Policy, Governance, Local Government Studies, Territory Politics Governance, Urban Affairs Review, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies and several others. He has also contributed to several academic blogs (the LSE Blog EUROPP, The Loop - ECPR Blog, The Compass Blog Oxford, the Mideq Blog, the MPC/EUI blog). He has collaborated and published with well-known scholars working on migration policy.


Office hours

  • at Via del Santo, 28 (SPGI Department) - Office 03-11 (third floor)
    By appointment arranged via email

Research Area

Migration Policy, Migration Politics, Migration Governance.

Thesis proposals

I am happy to supervise any theses focusing on international migration from a political science perspective. Occasionally, I may also supervise theses on other topics that take a political science approach.