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Ricercatrice a tempo det. art. 24 c.3 lett. B L. 240/2010






Office hours

  • Monday from 8:30 to :00
    at I ricevimenti si tengono attualmente solo in via telematica tramite la piattaforma Zoom in attesa di un ritorno in presenza nella sede di via del Santo 26, I° Piano nello studio della docente.
    Per il ricevimento è necessario prenotarsi inviando un'email all'indirizzo




• Peterle G. 2021, "Comics as a research practice: drawing narrative geographies beyond the frame",

• Iacoli G., Papotti D., Peterle G. e Quaquarelli L. (a cura di) 2021, Culture della mobilità. Immaginazioni, rotture, riappropriazioni del movimento, Franco Cesati Editore

• Peterle G., 2021, "Impronte narrative. Di segni su carta, mappe in cammino e sconfinamenti urbani", in Della Gala B., Frenay A., Milani F. e Quaquarelli L. (a cura di), Lasciate socchiuse le porte. Mobilità, attraversamenti, sconfinamenti, Armando Editore, pp.

• Rossetto T. e Peterle G., 2021, “Buildings as non‐human narrators: Between postphenomenological and object‐oriented architectural geographies”, Transactions of the Insitute of British Geographers, online first, pp. 1-17

•Luchetta S. e Peterle G., 2021, “Geografie letterarie della natura: appunti per un’esplorazione more than human” Rivista Geografica Italiana, CXXVIII, pp. 69-84

• Cancellieri A. e Peterle G., 2021, “Urban Research in Comics Form: Exploring Spaces, Agency and Narrative Maps in Italian Marginalized Neighbourhoods” Sociologica, 15(1), pp. 211-239

• Bertoncin M., Pase A., Peterle G. e Quatrida D., 2021, “Graphic Geography: Drawing Territories at the Po Delta (Italy)” Cultural Geographies, 28(1), pp. 19-39

• Pase A., Lo Presti L., Rossetto T. e Peterle G., 2021, “Pandemic cartographies: a conversation on mappings, imaginings and emotions, Mobilities” Mobilities, 2021, online first, pp. 1-20

• Peterle G., “Geographies Peripheriques: Recits Mobile aux Marges des Villes Italiennes Contemporaines” in Traverser. Mobilité spatiale, espace, déplacements, Quaquarelli, L., Iacoli, G., Frenay, A. (a cura di), Peter Lang, 2019

• Peterle G., “Story of a Mapping Process. The Origin, Design and Afterlives of the ‘Street Geography’ Map” J-Reading. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, 2(8) 2019, pp. 73-87

• Peterle G., “Carto-fiction: Narrativising Maps through Creative Writing” Social & Cultural Geography, 20(8), 2019, pp. 1070-1093

• Peterle G., “Moving Beyond Venice. Literary Landscapes of Movement in Northern Italy’s ‘Diffused City’” in Literary Second Cities, Ameel, L., Finch, J., Salmela, M. (a cura di), Palgrave Macmillan, 2017

• Peterle G., “Comic Book Cartographies: A Cartocentred Reading of 'City of Glass', the Graphic Novel”
Cultural Geographies, 24(1), 2017, pp. 43-68

• Peterle G. e Visentin F., “Performing the literary map: ‘Towards the river mouth’ following Gianni Celati” Cultural Geographies, 24(3), 2017, pp. 472-485

• Peterle G., “Moving Literature: the Car as a ‘Mobile Chronotope’ in Don DeLillo’s ‘Cosmopolis’”
Rivista Geografica Italiana, 123(3), 2016, pp. 281-300

• Peterle G., “Attraversamenti (Peri)urbani: Una Lettura Geocritica Mobile di ‘Riportando Tutto a Casa’ di Nicola Lagioia e ‘L’Ubicazione del Bene’ di Giorgio Falco”
Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia, 28(2), 2016, pp. 91-105

• Peterle G., “Teaching Cartography with Comics: Some Examples from BeccoGiallo’s Graphic Novel Series” J-Reading. Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, 1(4), 2015, pp. 69-78


• Peterle, G., Lines. Moving with stories of public transport in Turku (BeccoGiallo, 2021)

• Peterle, G., La geografia spiegata ai bambini (BeccoGiallo, 2020)

• Cancellieri, A.e Peterle, G. (a cura di), Quartieri. Viaggio al centro delle periferie italiane (BeccoGiallo, 2019)

Research Area

• Literary Geography, Literary Cartography and Narrative Geographies
• Representations of urban landscapes
• Creative Geographies, Art-based Methods, Research-Art collaborations and Geohumanities
• Geography and Comics, Cartography and Comics
• Literary Mobilities e Graphic Mobilities
• Flânerie, walking and other mobile methods
• Representations, Cultures and Practices of Mobility
• Landscape Storytelling

Thesis proposals

Possible areas of interest for your thesis:

• Literary and Narrative Geographies
• Representations and Practices of Mobility
• Creative Geographies
• Geography and Comics